DATE | 2016-11-23 |
FROM | Ruben Safir
SUBJECT | Subject: [Learn] Parrelel Programming HW2 with maxpath
From Wed Nov 23 01:17:30 2016 Return-Path: X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id B3DC8161317; Wed, 23 Nov 2016 01:17:29 -0500 (EST) X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: from [] ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 26246161313; Wed, 23 Nov 2016 01:15:27 -0500 (EST) To: Samir Iabbassen From: Ruben Safir Message-ID: Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2016 01:15:27 -0500 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.4.0 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------28880EA7B9C8B633B134B083" X-Mailman-Approved-At: Wed, 23 Nov 2016 01:17:26 -0500 Subject: [Learn] Parrelel Programming HW2 with maxpath X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.17 Precedence: list List-Id: List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , Errors-To: Sender: "Learn"
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This is the submission for the 2nd HW. I haven't actually yet checked the final result, although I've been testing it all along. I've been working on it almost exclusive for more than a week. I tripped up on several programs which I wish to describe.
First of all, a year ago, when taking the algorithm class with Dr Rodriguez, I worked on a method of creating large binary trees in a balanced fashion. I failed miserably because to do it in a balanced means,you can't just test for null. I tried measuring heights to determine when to shift, and other methods, and I just didn't find a means. I finally, after about 3 days of working on this problem, gave up and looked for a solution and discovered a wonderfully short algorithm that does this nice, but it is written in C.
#include #include #include
struct node { struct node *left ; char data ; struct node *right ; } ;
struct node * buildtree ( int ) ; void inorder ( struct node * ) ;
char a[ ] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', '\0', '\0', 'H', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' } ;
void main( ) { struct node *root ;
clrscr( ) ;
root = buildtree ( 0 ) ; printf ( "In-order Traversal:\n" ) ; inorder ( root ) ;
getch( ) ; } struct node * buildtree ( int n ) { struct node *temp = NULL ; if ( a[n] != '\0' ) { temp = ( struct node * ) malloc ( sizeof ( struct node ) ) ; temp -> left = buildtree ( 2 * n + 1 ) ; temp -> data = a[n] ; temp -> right = buildtree ( 2 * n + 2 ) ; } return temp ; }
void inorder ( struct node *root ) { if ( root != NULL ) { inorder ( root -> left ) ; printf ( "%c\t", root -> data ) ; inorder ( root -> right ) ; } }
It is nice, and I was thinking along this line in solving the problem but I just couldn't come up with the solution. I was trying to do it in pairs, and he does hop scotch like a two headed monster.
So once I found this, I then needed to adapt it to C++ and I wanted something that seemed like C++ and sat in my Tree object that a property of the tree. This ended up being much harder than I though and I did this at one point accept that my return value for the root kept giving me a node from the center of the run. I tried to track down the data flow problem, but even with DDD I still couldn't track the problem with the data. Then I messed up the algorithm all together with experimentation, so after 2 more days, I had to rewrite from scratch much closer to the C code. I then tweaked it so it worked smoothly in my class hierarchy. So that is already a week shot, and I finally slept, because I didn't sleep for few days while working on this. I got up at 11AM this morning and finally broke it down into 4 threads using the new C++ library. I did an overide of a class's operator()() so I could embed an entire class into the thread call back. I was going to try to use a try catch method to handle thread joins, but that didn't work as the try block is not visible to the catch block and are two different scopes. That is not how I would design it.
The program should have destructors that do delete. I needed to spawn nodes. I tried to get around it, but there is really no practical means of doing that or eliminating the pointers in the tree object. I tried to replace them with references but you can't have references that are assigned to nullptr.
If you change SIZE in main.cpp you can make an expediently small dataset. My C++ skills are not as good as they were a few years ago, and that is very much bothering me.
Ruben -- So many immigrant groups have swept through our town that Brooklyn, like Atlantis, reaches mythological proportions in the mind of the world - RI Safir 1998
DRM is THEFT - We are the STAKEHOLDERS - RI Safir 2002 - Leadership Development in Free Software - Unpublished Archive - coins!
Being so tracked is for FARM ANIMALS and and extermination camps, but incompatible with living as a free human being. -RI Safir 2013
--------------28880EA7B9C8B633B134B083 Content-Type: text/x-c++src; name="binary_build.C" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="binary_build.C"
/* * ===================================================================================== * * Filename: binary_build.C * * Description: Builds Binaries * * Version: 1.0 * Created: 11/20/2016 08:03:41 PM * Revision: none * Compiler: gcc * * Author: Ruben Safir (mn), * Company: NYLXS Inc * * ===================================================================================== */
#include #include #include
struct node { struct node *left ; char data ; struct node *right ; } ;
struct node * buildtree ( int ) ; void inorder ( struct node * ) ;
char a[ ] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', '\0', '\0', 'H', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' } ;
void main( ) { struct node *root ;
clrscr( ) ;
root = buildtree ( 0 ) ; printf ( "In-order Traversal:\n" ) ; inorder ( root ) ;
getch( ) ; } struct node * buildtree ( int n ) { struct node *temp = NULL ; if ( a[n] != '\0' ) { temp = ( struct node * ) malloc ( sizeof ( struct node ) ) ; temp -> left = buildtree ( 2 * n + 1 ) ; temp -> data = a[n] ; temp -> right = buildtree ( 2 * n + 2 ) ; } return temp ; }
void inorder ( struct node *root ) { if ( root != NULL ) { inorder ( root -> left ) ; printf ( "%c\t", root -> data ) ; inorder ( root -> right ) ; } }
--------------28880EA7B9C8B633B134B083 Content-Type: text/x-c++src; name="main.cpp" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="main.cpp"
/* * ===================================================================================== * * Filename: main.cpp * * Description: Max Path discovery test program HW * * Version: 1.0 * Created: 11/18/2016 09:33:20 AM * Revision: none * Compiler: gcc * * Author: Ruben Safir * Company: NYLXS * * ===================================================================================== */ #include #include "maxpath.h" #include #include #include #define SIZE 200000000
class workerbee { public: workerbee(maxpath::Tree &in, maxpath::Node *startpt):_cladogram{in}, _startpt{startpt}{};
void operator()() { std::cout << cladogram().max_calc( startpt() ) << std::endl; std::cout << "Cells =>" << cladogram().node_count() << std::endl; std::cout << "height =>" << cladogram().height() << std::endl; } maxpath::Tree cladogram (maxpath::Tree& in ){ return _cladogram = in; } maxpath::Tree cladogram (){ return _cladogram; }
maxpath::Node * startpt (maxpath::Node *& in ){ return _startpt = in; } maxpath::Node * startpt (){ return _startpt; }
private: maxpath::Tree _cladogram; maxpath::Node * _startpt;
//std::cout << mytree.max_calc(mytree.root()) << std::endl; //std::cout << "Cells =>" << mytree.node_count() << std::endl; //std::cout << "height =>" << mytree.height() << std::endl;
int main(int argv, char **argc) { using namespace std;
int *data = new int[SIZE]; // int *cache = new int[SIZE]; struct timespec now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); long seed = now.tv_nsec; srand( (unsigned int) seed); for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){ data[i] = rand() % 1000000; // cout << data[i] << "\t"; } cout << endl;
cout << "________________________________________________________" << endl;
cout << "***Size of Array " << SIZE << "****" << endl; cout << "____________________" << endl; cout << "Array Before" << endl; for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){ cout << "--------------------" << endl; cout << "| " << i << " ==> " << data[i] << "\t |" << endl; } cout << "--------------------" << endl; cout << "--------------------" << endl;
//build the tree
maxpath::Node top; maxpath::Tree mytree(top); //initialize tree std::cout << "MAIN::Initial Node Count " << mytree.node_count() << std::endl; // std::cout << "Initial Height " << mytree.height() << std::endl; mytree.create_tree(data, SIZE); mytree.root(); std::cout << "root value: " << mytree.root()->value() << std::endl;
mytree.post_fix(); maxpath::Node *first, *second, *third, *fourth;
first = mytree.root()->left()->left(); second = mytree.root()->left()->right(); third = mytree.root()->right()->left(); fourth = mytree.root()->right()->right(); long x1, x2, x3, x4; x1 = max(first->max(), second->max()); x2 = max(third->max(), fourth->max()); x3 = mytree.root()->left()->value(); x4 = mytree.root()->right()->value(); mytree.root()->left()->max(x1 + x3 ); mytree.root()->right()->max(x2 + x4 ); x3 = mytree.root()->left()->max(); x4 = mytree.root()->right()->max(); x1 = max(x3, x4); mytree.root()->max(x1 + mytree.root()->value() );
std::cout << "Final Max Path Result" << mytree.root()->max() << std::endl;
workerbee one (mytree, first); workerbee two (mytree, second); workerbee three (mytree, third ); workerbee four (mytree, fourth); std::thread echud(one); std::thread shnayim(two); std::thread shlosha(three); std::thread arbaa(four); echud.join(); shnayim.join(); shlosha.join(); arbaa.join();
// merge::track(0, SIZE - 1, data);
// cout << "____________________" << endl; // cout << "Array AFTER" << endl; // for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){ // cout << "--------------------" << endl; // cout << "| " << i << " ==> " << data[i] << "\t |" << endl; // } // cout << "--------------------" << endl; // cout << "--------------------" << endl;
return 0;
--------------28880EA7B9C8B633B134B083 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; name="makefile" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="makefile"
Q1hYOj1nKysgCkNYWEZMQUdTOj0tV2FsbCAtZ2dkYiAgLXBnIC1wdGhyZWFkCgpMREZMQUdT Oj0tTC91c3IvbG9jYWwvbGliL215c3FsIC1sbXlzcWxwcCAtbG15c3FsY2xpZW50CgptYXhw YXRoIDoJbWF4cGF0aC5vIG1haW4ubwoJJHtDWFh9ICAke0NYWEZMQUdTfSAtbyBtYXhwYXRo IG1heHBhdGgubyBtYWluLm8KCm1haW4ubyA6CW1haW4uY3BwCgkke0NYWH0gICR7Q1hYRkxB R1N9IC1vIG1haW4ubyAtYyBtYWluLmNwcAkKCm1heHBhdGgubyA6CW1heHBhdGguY3BwCW1h eHBhdGguaAoJJHtDWFh9ICAke0NYWEZMQUdTfSAtYyBtYXhwYXRoLmNwcAoKY2xlYW4JOiAK CXJtIG1heHBhdGggKi5vIG1ha2UuZGVwcwoJdG91Y2ggKi5jcHAgKi5oCgppbmNsdWRlIG1h a2UuZGVwcwptYWtlLmRlcHM6ICouY3BwIDsgZ2NjIC1NICouY3BwID4kQAo= --------------28880EA7B9C8B633B134B083 Content-Type: text/x-c++src; name="maxpath.cpp" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="maxpath.cpp"
#include "maxpath.h" #include #include
namespace merge{
int min(int x, int y){ int ret; x //std::cout << x << ":" << y << "==>" << ret << std::endl; return ret; }
void merge(int j, int l, int m, int k, int * value){ int size = (k-j) + 1; std::cout << "Allocating scratch ==>" << size << std::endl; int * scratch = new int[size]; int l_pos1 = j; int l_pos2 = l; int r_pos1 = m; int r_pos2 = k; int i = 0; std::cout << "Scratch index: " << i << std::endl; std::cout << "l_pos1: " << l_pos1 << "\tr_pos1: " << r_pos1 << std::endl; std::cout << "l_pos2: " << l_pos2 << "\tr_pos2: " << r_pos2 << std::endl; int l_next = l_pos1; int r_next = r_pos1; int cur = -1;//cursor rest position int cursor[3] = {cur, l_next, r_next}; while((cursor[1] <= l_pos2) && (cursor[2] <= r_pos2)) { std::cout << "Positions" << cursor[0] << ":" << cursor[1] << ":" << cursor[2] << std::endl; std::cout << "Values " << value[cursor[1]] << ":" << value[cursor[2]] << std::endl; if(value[cursor[1]] <= value[cursor[2]]) { scratch[i] = value[cursor[1]]; cursor[0] = cursor[1]; cursor[1]++; }else if(value[cursor[1]] > value[cursor[2]]){ scratch[i] = value[cursor[2]]; cursor[0] = cursor[2]; cursor[2]++; } std::cout << "Positions" << cursor[0] << ":" << cursor[1] << ":" << cursor[2] << std::endl; std::cout << "Values " << value[cursor[1]] << ":" << value[cursor[2]] << std::endl; i++; } //we hit the top while(1){ std::cout << "clearing data..."; if(cursor[2] <= r_pos2 ){ scratch[i] = value[cursor[2]]; i++; cursor[2]++; }else if(cursor[1] <= l_pos2){ scratch[i] = value[cursor[1]]; i++; cursor[1]++; }else{ break; } } std::cout << "done" << std::endl; //copy scratch to the array std::cout << "copying scratch" << std::endl; for(int pos = j, i=0; i <= (k-j); pos++, i++){ std::cout << i << " : " << scratch[i] <<" to position " << pos << std::endl; value[pos] = scratch[i]; } std::cout << "free scratch" << std::endl; delete[] scratch; std::cout << "done with scratch" << std::endl; return; }
//j is far left of array //k is far right of array //l is middle of array - right of left child array //m is middle + 1 of the array - left of right child array // // j l m k //_____________________________________ //| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| //-------------------------------------- //
void track(int j, int k, int * parent ) { //std::cout << "\n j is far left of array\n k is far right of array\n l is middle of array - right of left child array\n m is middle + 1 of the array - left of right child array\n\n j l m k\n _____________________________________\n | 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11|\n --------------------------------------\n ";
std:: cout << "======================" << std::endl;
std::cout << "|| __NEW NODE__ ||\n|| j =>" << j << " " << "k=> " << k << " ||" << std::endl; std:: cout << "======================" << std::endl; int length = k - j; int l = j + (length / 2); int m = l + 1; if(j == k ) { std::cout << "\n\n\n**********RETURN**********" << std::endl; return; }
std::cout << "Left Branch: j =>" << j << "\t" << "l => " << l << std::endl; std::cout << "Right Branch: m =>" << m << "\t" << "k => " << k << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "***Enter left : j =>" << j << "\t" << "l => " << l << "***" << std::endl; std::thread sinetro( track, j, l, parent ) ; std::cout << "Returned to Node j => " << j << "\tk=> " << k << " From the left" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "***Enter right : m =>" << m << "\t" << "k => " << k << std::endl; std::thread dextro( track, m, k, parent); std::cout << "Returned to Node j => " << j << "\tk=> " << k << " From the right" << std::endl; std::cout << "**********MERGE**********" << std::endl; sinetro.join(); dextro.join(); merge(j,l,m,k, parent); }
}//end namespace
namespace maxpath{ long max(long a, long b) { return a > b? a : b ; }
void Tree::post_fix(){ post_fix(root()); return; }
void Tree::post_fix(Node * in ) { std::cout << "\t\t postfix cont..." << std::endl; current( in ) ; if(in != nullptr) { std::cout << "\tLeft " << std::endl; post_fix(in->left() ); std::cout << "data => " << in->value() << std::endl; std::cout << "\tRight " << std::endl; post_fix (in->right() ); } return; }
long Node::find_max(Node * in) { long a, b, c; if(in->left() != nullptr) { a = in->left()->max(); }else{ a = 0; }
if(in->right() != nullptr) { b = in->right()->max(); }else{ b = 0; } std::cout << "Compare a: " << a << " b: " << b << std::endl; c = max(a,b); // std::cout << "Compare c: " << c << " val: " << in->value() << std::endl; std::cout << " val: " << in->value() << std::endl; // c = max(c, in->value() ); std::cout << "building max" << std::endl; std::cout << "subtotal :" << in->max(c + in->value()) << std::endl; return in->max(); } long Tree::max_calc(Node * in) { long m = 0; std::cout << "\tStart " << std::endl; if(in != nullptr) { std::cout << "\tLeft" << std::endl; max_calc(in->left() ); std::cout << "\tDone Left" << std::endl; // m = in->find_max(in); std::cout << "Max => " << m << std::endl; std::cout << "\tRight " << std::endl; max_calc(in->right() ); m = in->find_max(in); std::cout << "\tDone Right - going up" << std::endl; return m; } std::cout << "empty node going ... \tUP " << std::endl; return m;
} Node * Tree::buildtree ( int pos, const int *d, const int SZ ) { SIZE(SZ); Node * temp = nullptr; if(pos< SIZE() ){ temp = add_node(temp); temp->left(buildtree ( 2 * pos + 1 , d, SZ) ); temp->value( d[pos] ); temp->right(buildtree ( 2 * pos + 2 , d, SZ) ); } return temp ; }
int Tree::create_tree(const int * d, const int SZ ){ Node * new_root = new Node; std::cout << "Starting the tree building at pos 0"<< std::endl; new_root = buildtree( 0, d, SZ ) ; //starting in position zero root(new_root); return this->node_count(); } /**************************This is retired code*************************************************** void Tree::build(Node * sin, Node * dex, const int * data, const int SIZE, int pos ) { std::cout << "Building ... index is: " << pos << std::endl; std::cout << "current ticket is ... : " << ticket << std::endl; std::cout << "height is ... : " << height() << std::endl; if(pos >= SIZE) return; //Get a ticket and create a node //We need at most 4 nodes std::cout << "Get a ticket" << std::endl;; int sin_l = (++ticket); std::cout << "ticket number " << sin_l << std::endl;; if(sin_l >= SIZE) return; //No more data Node * sin_lnode{sin}; sin->left(sin_lnode); node_count(node_count() + 1 ); sin_lnode->value(data[sin_l]); sin_lnode->max(data[sin_l]); sin_lnode->parent()->max( max( sin_lnode->max(), sin_lnode->parent()->max() ) ); std::cout << "sin_lnode add. Number of nodes is ... : " << node_count() << std::endl; std::cout << "sin_lnode added height is ... : " << height() << std::endl; std::cout << "Get a ticket" << std::endl;; int sin_r = (++ticket); std::cout << "ticket number " << sin_r << std::endl;; if(sin_r >= SIZE) //only data for one node - fill it and leave return;
Node * sin_rnode{sin}; sin->right(sin_rnode); node_count(node_count() + 1 ); sin_rnode->value(data[sin_r]); sin_rnode->max(data[sin_r]); sin_rnode->parent()->max( max( sin_rnode->max(), sin_rnode->parent()->max() ) ); std::cout << "sin_rnode add. Number of nodes is ... : " << node_count() << std::endl; std::cout << "sin_rnode added height is ... : " << height() << std::endl; std::cout << "Get a ticket" << std::endl;; int dex_l = (++ticket); std::cout << "ticket number " << dex_l << std::endl;; if(dex_l >= SIZE) //only data for one node - fill it and leave return; Node * dex_lnode{dex}; dex->left(dex_lnode); node_count(node_count() + 1 ); dex_lnode->value(data[dex_l]); dex_lnode->max(data[dex_l]); dex_lnode->parent()->max( max( dex_lnode->max(), dex_lnode->parent()->max() ) ); std::cout << "dex_lnode add. Number of nodes is ... : " << node_count() << std::endl; std::cout << "dex_lnode added height is ... : " << height() << std::endl; std::cout << "Get a ticket" << std::endl;; int dex_r = (++ticket); std::cout << "ticket number " << dex_r << std::endl;; if(dex_r >= SIZE) //only data for one node - fill it and leave return; Node * dex_rnode{dex}; dex->right(dex_rnode); node_count(node_count() + 1 ); dex_rnode->value(data[dex_r]); dex_rnode->max(data[dex_r]); dex_rnode->parent()->max( max( dex_rnode->max(), dex_rnode->parent()->max() ) ); std::cout << "dex_rnode add. Number of nodes is ... : " << node_count() << std::endl; std::cout << "dex_rnode added height is ... : " << height() << std::endl; if(flag == 1){ flag = -1; std::cout << "_Green_ Light on left" << std::endl; build(sin_lnode, sin_rnode, data, SIZE, dex_r ); } if(flag == 0){ flag = -2; std::cout << "_Green_ Light on right" << std::endl; build(dex_lnode, dex_rnode, data, SIZE, dex_r ); } if(flag == -1) { flag = 0; std::cout << "RETURN Set for Right and Return" << std::endl; return; } if(flag == -2) { flag = 1; std::cout << "RETURN Set for Left and Return" << std::endl; return; } } **********************************************************************************/
--------------28880EA7B9C8B633B134B083 Content-Type: text/x-chdr; name="maxpath.h" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="maxpath.h"
/* * ===================================================================================== * * Filename: max_path.h * * Description: Header File for Parrell discovery of the maximum tree * * Version: 1.0 * Created: 11/09/2016 04:28:51 AM * Revision: none * Compiler: gcc * * Author: Ruben Safir * Company: NYLXS Inc * * ===================================================================================== */ #ifndef MAXPATH #define MAXPATH #include #include namespace maxpath{ /* * ===================================================================================== * Class: Node * Description: Node of a binary tree * ===================================================================================== */ class Node { public:
/* ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================================= */ Node (): _parent{nullptr}, _left{nullptr}, _right{nullptr}, _value{0},_max{0} {std::cout << "Create a node" << std::endl; }; /* constructor */ Node (Node * par, Node * sin = nullptr, Node * dex = nullptr ): _parent{par}, _left{sin}, _right{dex} { value(par->value() ); value(par->max() ); std::cout << "Create a node from a node"<< std::endl;}; /* constructor */ Node ( const Node &other ){ parent(other.parent() ) ; right(other.right()); left(other.left() ); value(other.value() ); max(other.max()); std::cout << "Copy a node" << std::endl; }; /* copy constructor */ ~Node (){}; /* destructor */
/* ==================== ACCESSORS ======================================= */ Node * parent() const{ return _parent; } Node * left() const{ return _left; } Node * right() const{ return _right; } long value() const{ return _value; } long max() const{ return _max; }
long find_max(Node * ); Node * parent(Node * in){ _parent = in; return _parent; } Node * left(Node * in){ _left = in; return _left; } Node * right(Node *in){ _right = in; return _right; } long value(int in){ _value = in; return _value; } long max(long in){ _max = in; return _max; }
/* ==================== MUTATORS ======================================= */ int max(long x, long y){ return x > y? x: y; };
/* ==================== OPERATORS ======================================= */
const Node& operator = ( const Node &other ){ std::cout << "copy.. "; left(other.left()); std::cout << "copy.. "; right(other.right()); std::cout << "copy.. "; value(other.value()); std::cout << "copy.. "; max(other.max()); std::cout << "copy.. " << std::endl; return * this; }; /* assignment operator */
/* ==================== DATA MEMBERS ======================================= */ protected:
private: Node *_parent; Node *_left; Node *_right; long _value; long _max; }; /* ----- end of class Node ----- */
/* * ===================================================================================== * Class: Tree * Description: A tree of Nodes * The purpose of this class is to handle tree manipulations and analysis as a whole * and to give quick assess to specific tree data points * ===================================================================================== */ class Tree { public: /* ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================================= */ Tree (Node * rt): _root{rt}, _node_count{0}, _SIZE{0}{ add_node(root()); current(root()); }; /* constructor */ Tree (Node rt): _root{&rt}, _node_count{0}, _SIZE{0}{ add_node(root() );}; /* constructor */ Tree (): _root{nullptr}, _node_count{0}, _SIZE{0}{}; /* constructor */
/* ==================== ACCESSORS ======================================= */ Node* add_node(Node * parent) { node_count(node_count() + 1); if(parent == nullptr){ //std::cout << "creating new node" << std::endl; parent = new Node; } // current(parent);//This needs to be hooked first. left or right? it needs to be hooked f we don't know //return current(); return parent; }; void post_fix(); void post_fix(Node *);
long max_calc(Node * in);
Node * current(Node *in) { _current = in; return in; }; Node * current() { return _current; };
Node* root(){ std::cout << "reading root" << std::endl; return _root; }; Node * root(Node in){ std::cout << "adding root" << std::endl; _root = ∈ // current(_root); return _root; }; Node * root(Node * in){ std::cout << "adding root" << std::endl; _root = in; // current(_root); return _root; }; int SIZE(int in){ _SIZE = in; return _SIZE; }; int SIZE(){ return _SIZE; }; int * dataset(){ return _dataset; }; int * dataset(int * d){ _dataset = d; return _dataset; }; int height(){ // std::cout << "calling from height" << std::endl; _height = ceil( ( log2(node_count()) ) ); // std::cout << "nodes: " << node_count() << " log " << log2(node_count() ) << std::endl; // std::cout << "Ceiling: " << ceil( log2(node_count()) ) << std::endl; // std::cout << "Height calculated to be " << _height << " with " << node_count() << " nodes" << std::endl; // std::cout << "height says bye" << std::endl; return _height; }; int node_count() const{ return _node_count; };
int node_count(int x){ return _node_count = x; };
/* ==================== MUTATORS ======================================= */ int create_tree(const int * dataset, const int SIZE);//return node count //void build(Node * l, Node * r, const int * dataset, const int SIZE, int pos); Node * buildtree( int , const int * , const int );
/* ==================== OPERATORS ======================================= */
/* ==================== DATA MEMBERS ======================================= */ protected:
private: Node* _root; Node* _current; int _height; int _node_count; int * _dataset; int _SIZE;
}; /* ----- end of class Tree ----- */
int min(int x, int y); void populate_tree(int j, int k, Node * root); void track(int , int, int * ); void merge(int j, int l, int m, int k, int * parent); } #endif /* ----- #ifndef MSORT_INC ----- */
--------------28880EA7B9C8B633B134B083 Content-Type: text/x-c++src; name="maxpath_old.cpp" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="maxpath_old.cpp"
#include "maxpath.h" #include #include
namespace merge{
int min(int x, int y){ int ret; x std::cout << x << ":" << y << "==>" << ret << std::endl; return ret; }
void merge(int j, int l, int m, int k, int * value){ int size = (k-j) + 1; std::cout << "Allocating scratch ==>" << size << std::endl; int * scratch = new int[size]; int l_pos1 = j; int l_pos2 = l; int r_pos1 = m; int r_pos2 = k; int i = 0; std::cout << "Scratch index: " << i << std::endl; std::cout << "l_pos1: " << l_pos1 << "\tr_pos1: " << r_pos1 << std::endl; std::cout << "l_pos2: " << l_pos2 << "\tr_pos2: " << r_pos2 << std::endl; int l_next = l_pos1; int r_next = r_pos1; int cur = -1;//cursor rest position int cursor[3] = {cur, l_next, r_next}; while((cursor[1] <= l_pos2) && (cursor[2] <= r_pos2)) { std::cout << "Positions" << cursor[0] << ":" << cursor[1] << ":" << cursor[2] << std::endl; std::cout << "Values " << value[cursor[1]] << ":" << value[cursor[2]] << std::endl; if(value[cursor[1]] <= value[cursor[2]]) { scratch[i] = value[cursor[1]]; cursor[0] = cursor[1]; cursor[1]++; }else if(value[cursor[1]] > value[cursor[2]]){ scratch[i] = value[cursor[2]]; cursor[0] = cursor[2]; cursor[2]++; } std::cout << "Positions" << cursor[0] << ":" << cursor[1] << ":" << cursor[2] << std::endl; std::cout << "Values " << value[cursor[1]] << ":" << value[cursor[2]] << std::endl; i++; } //we hit the top while(1){ std::cout << "clearing data..."; if(cursor[2] <= r_pos2 ){ scratch[i] = value[cursor[2]]; i++; cursor[2]++; }else if(cursor[1] <= l_pos2){ scratch[i] = value[cursor[1]]; i++; cursor[1]++; }else{ break; } } std::cout << "done" << std::endl; //copy scratch to the array std::cout << "copying scratch" << std::endl; for(int pos = j, i=0; i <= (k-j); pos++, i++){ std::cout << i << " : " << scratch[i] <<" to position " << pos << std::endl; value[pos] = scratch[i]; } std::cout << "free scratch" << std::endl; delete[] scratch; std::cout << "done with scratch" << std::endl; return; }
//j is far left of array //k is far right of array //l is middle of array - right of left child array //m is middle + 1 of the array - left of right child array // // j l m k //_____________________________________ //| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| //-------------------------------------- //
void track(int j, int k, int * parent ) { //std::cout << "\n j is far left of array\n k is far right of array\n l is middle of array - right of left child array\n m is middle + 1 of the array - left of right child array\n\n j l m k\n _____________________________________\n | 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11|\n --------------------------------------\n ";
std:: cout << "======================" << std::endl;
std::cout << "|| __NEW NODE__ ||\n|| j =>" << j << " " << "k=> " << k << " ||" << std::endl; std:: cout << "======================" << std::endl; int length = k - j; int l = j + (length / 2); int m = l + 1; if(j == k ) { std::cout << "\n\n\n**********RETURN**********" << std::endl; return; }
std::cout << "Left Branch: j =>" << j << "\t" << "l => " << l << std::endl; std::cout << "Right Branch: m =>" << m << "\t" << "k => " << k << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "***Enter left : j =>" << j << "\t" << "l => " << l << "***" << std::endl; std::thread sinetro( track, j, l, parent ) ; std::cout << "Returned to Node j => " << j << "\tk=> " << k << " From the left" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "***Enter right : m =>" << m << "\t" << "k => " << k << std::endl; std::thread dextro( track, m, k, parent); std::cout << "Returned to Node j => " << j << "\tk=> " << k << " From the right" << std::endl; std::cout << "**********MERGE**********" << std::endl; sinetro.join(); dextro.join(); merge(j,l,m,k, parent); }
}//end namespace
namespace maxpath{ int Tree::ticket = 0; int Tree::flag = 1;
int max(int a, int b) { return a > b? a : b ; }
int Tree::create_tree(const int * dataset, const int SIZE ){ //We are assuming here that we have at least 3 nodes //Get a ticket //I'm going to need to lock this ticket std::cout << "What is the starting ticket? " << ticket << std::endl; std::cout << "Initial Index:" << 0 << std::endl; std::cout << "Initial Height:" << this->height() << std::endl; this->root()->value(dataset[0]); this->root()->max(dataset[0]); //build the first left node int index = (++ticket); std::cout << "Index for the left side:" << index << std::endl; this->node_count(this->node_count() + 1); this->root()->left(new Node{this->root() }); std::cout << "Node Count after adding left:" << this->node_count() << std::endl; this->root()->left()->value(dataset[index]); this->root()->left()->max(dataset[index]); this->root()->max(this->root()->left()->value() > this->root()->value() ? this->root()->left()->value(): this->root()->value() ); std::cout << "New Height after adding left:" << this->height() << std::endl; std::cout << "Node Count after adding left:" << this->node_count() << std::endl; //build the right node index = (++ticket); std::cout << "Index for the right side:" << index << std::endl; if(index >= SIZE){//This shouldn't happen if you have at three nodes to start int pos = index - 1; build(this->root()->left(), this->root()->right(nullptr), dataset, SIZE, pos); return ( this->node_count() ); } this->node_count(this->node_count() + 1); this->root()->right(new Node{this->root() }); this->root()->right()->value(dataset[index]); this->root()->right()->max(dataset[index]); this->root()->max(this->root()->right()->value() > this->root()->value() ? this->root()->right()->value(): this->root()->value() ); std::cout << "Node Count after adding right:" << this->node_count() << std::endl; std::cout << "New Height after adding right:" << this->height() << std::endl; //OK dynamically build the rest std::cout << "OK dynamically build the rest" << std::endl; build(this->root()->left(), this->root()->right(), dataset, SIZE, index); return (this->node_count() ); }
void Tree::build(Node * sin, Node * dex, const int * data, const int SIZE, int pos ) { std::cout << "Building ... index is: " << pos << std::endl; std::cout << "current ticket is ... : " << ticket << std::endl; std::cout << "height is ... : " << height() << std::endl; if(pos >= SIZE) return; //Get a ticket and create a node //We need at most 4 nodes std::cout << "Get a ticket" << std::endl;; int sin_l = (++ticket); std::cout << "ticket number " << sin_l << std::endl;; if(sin_l >= SIZE) return; //No more data Node * sin_lnode{sin}; sin->left(sin_lnode); node_count(node_count() + 1 ); sin_lnode->value(data[sin_l]); sin_lnode->max(data[sin_l]); sin_lnode->parent()->max( max( sin_lnode->max(), sin_lnode->parent()->max() ) ); std::cout << "sin_lnode add. Number of nodes is ... : " << node_count() << std::endl; std::cout << "sin_lnode added height is ... : " << height() << std::endl; std::cout << "Get a ticket" << std::endl;; int sin_r = (++ticket); std::cout << "ticket number " << sin_r << std::endl;; if(sin_r >= SIZE) //only data for one node - fill it and leave return;
Node * sin_rnode{sin}; sin->right(sin_rnode); node_count(node_count() + 1 ); sin_rnode->value(data[sin_r]); sin_rnode->max(data[sin_r]); sin_rnode->parent()->max( max( sin_rnode->max(), sin_rnode->parent()->max() ) ); std::cout << "sin_rnode add. Number of nodes is ... : " << node_count() << std::endl; std::cout << "sin_rnode added height is ... : " << height() << std::endl; std::cout << "Get a ticket" << std::endl;; int dex_l = (++ticket); std::cout << "ticket number " << dex_l << std::endl;; if(dex_l >= SIZE) //only data for one node - fill it and leave return; Node * dex_lnode{dex}; dex->left(dex_lnode); node_count(node_count() + 1 ); dex_lnode->value(data[dex_l]); dex_lnode->max(data[dex_l]); dex_lnode->parent()->max( max( dex_lnode->max(), dex_lnode->parent()->max() ) ); std::cout << "dex_lnode add. Number of nodes is ... : " << node_count() << std::endl; std::cout << "dex_lnode added height is ... : " << height() << std::endl; std::cout << "Get a ticket" << std::endl;; int dex_r = (++ticket); std::cout << "ticket number " << dex_r << std::endl;; if(dex_r >= SIZE) //only data for one node - fill it and leave return; Node * dex_rnode{dex}; dex->right(dex_rnode); node_count(node_count() + 1 ); dex_rnode->value(data[dex_r]); dex_rnode->max(data[dex_r]); dex_rnode->parent()->max( max( dex_rnode->max(), dex_rnode->parent()->max() ) ); std::cout << "dex_rnode add. Number of nodes is ... : " << node_count() << std::endl; std::cout << "dex_rnode added height is ... : " << height() << std::endl; if(flag == 1){ flag = -1; std::cout << "_Green_ Light on left" << std::endl; build(sin_lnode, sin_rnode, data, SIZE, dex_r ); } if(flag == 0){ flag = -2; std::cout << "_Green_ Light on right" << std::endl; build(dex_lnode, dex_rnode, data, SIZE, dex_r ); } if(flag == -1) { flag = 0; std::cout << "RETURN Set for Right and Return" << std::endl; return; } if(flag == -2) { flag = 1; std::cout << "RETURN Set for Left and Return" << std::endl; return; } }
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