DATE | 2016-11-12 |
FROM | Ruben Safir
SUBJECT | Subject: [Learn] HW of mergesort in parallel
From Sat Nov 12 18:59:29 2016 Return-Path: X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id CAADA161312; Sat, 12 Nov 2016 18:59:28 -0500 (EST) X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: from [] ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 96067160E77 for ; Sat, 12 Nov 2016 18:59:24 -0500 (EST) To: From: Ruben Safir Message-ID: Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2016 18:59:24 -0500 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/45.4.0 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------A0BD793C493578214428EC26" Subject: [Learn] HW of mergesort in parallel X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.17 Precedence: list List-Id: List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , Errors-To: Sender: "Learn"
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I've look at things and decided that I need to understand mergesort better to do this. So I looked at a couple texts on the algorithm and thought that none of the coding examples really make it mechanisms understandable, so I decided to give it my own shot.
My resulting code needs to be paralyzed for the HW assignment (which is now very late I might add). So this is my effort. At least, I hope, I will know where I am in the sorting process.
I have to say this was not easy for me. I should have been better at this. Until I finally put aside the idea of cutting and pasting someone elses work, I really didn't comprehend the details of this.
One of the major issues was that it is possible, even likely, that there would be a tail on the initial sorting mechanism. It is build on the sclaffing of a binary tree. In fact, I build the tree first with a slew of recursive functions, that than loops. Then I added the data and the sort. Having functions allows me easier access to threading.
Now I have a few considerations. First, I have two kinds of behaviors for possible threads. Parent processes merge child results. So that means I can thread and parallelize sibling nodes on the same level, but threads created by parent which produce children, they need to wait for all the children to return and then merge.
I also looked at the thread slice. Not as closely as I will, but I'll get to it. This and a number of C++ syntax changes might make this code much cleaner. I'll have to see later. I have limited time available to explore this and I type sooo slow.
Ruben -- So many immigrant groups have swept through our town that Brooklyn, like Atlantis, reaches mythological proportions in the mind of the world - RI Safir 1998
DRM is THEFT - We are the STAKEHOLDERS - RI Safir 2002 - Leadership Development in Free Software - Unpublished Archive - coins!
Being so tracked is for FARM ANIMALS and and extermination camps, but incompatible with living as a free human being. -RI Safir 2013
--------------A0BD793C493578214428EC26 Content-Type: text/x-chdr; name="msort.h" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="msort.h"
/* * ===================================================================================== * * Filename: msort.h * * Description: Header File for Parrell Msort algorthm * * Version: 1.0 * Created: 11/09/2016 04:28:51 AM * Revision: none * Compiler: gcc * * Author: Ruben Safir * Company: NYLXS Inc * * ===================================================================================== */ #ifndef MSORT_INC #define MSORT_INC
namespace merge{
int min(int x, int y); void track(int , int, int * ); void merge(int j, int l, int m, int k, int * parent); } #endif /* ----- #ifndef MSORT_INC ----- */
--------------A0BD793C493578214428EC26 Content-Type: text/x-c++src; name="msort.cpp" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="msort.cpp"
#include "msort.h" #include
namespace merge{
int min(int x, int y){ int ret; x std::cout << x << ":" << y << "==>" << ret << std::endl; return ret; }
void merge(int j, int l, int m, int k, int * value){ int size = (k-j) + 1; std::cout << "Allocating scratch ==>" << size << std::endl; int * scratch = new int[size]; int l_pos1 = j; int l_pos2 = l; int r_pos1 = m; int r_pos2 = k; int i = 0; std::cout << "Scratch index: " << i << std::endl; std::cout << "l_pos1: " << l_pos1 << "\tr_pos1: " << r_pos1 << std::endl; std::cout << "l_pos2: " << l_pos2 << "\tr_pos2: " << r_pos2 << std::endl; int l_next = l_pos1; int r_next = r_pos1; int cur = -1;//cursor rest position int cursor[3] = {cur, l_next, r_next}; while((cursor[1] <= l_pos2) && (cursor[2] <= r_pos2)) { std::cout << "Positions" << cursor[0] << ":" << cursor[1] << ":" << cursor[2] << std::endl; std::cout << "Values " << value[cursor[1]] << ":" << value[cursor[2]] << std::endl; if(value[cursor[1]] <= value[cursor[2]]) { scratch[i] = value[cursor[1]]; cursor[0] = cursor[1]; cursor[1]++; }else if(value[cursor[1]] > value[cursor[2]]){ scratch[i] = value[cursor[2]]; cursor[0] = cursor[2]; cursor[2]++; } std::cout << "Positions" << cursor[0] << ":" << cursor[1] << ":" << cursor[2] << std::endl; std::cout << "Values " << value[cursor[1]] << ":" << value[cursor[2]] << std::endl; i++; } //we hit the top while(1){ std::cout << "clearing data..."; if(cursor[2] <= r_pos2 ){ scratch[i] = value[cursor[2]]; i++; cursor[2]++; }else if(cursor[1] <= l_pos2){ scratch[i] = value[cursor[1]]; i++; cursor[1]++; }else{ break; } } std::cout << "done" << std::endl; //copy scratch to the array std::cout << "copying scratch" << std::endl; for(int pos = j, i=0; i <= (k-j); pos++, i++){ std::cout << i << " : " << scratch[i] <<" to position " << pos << std::endl; value[pos] = scratch[i]; } std::cout << "free scratch" << std::endl; delete[] scratch; std::cout << "done with scratch" << std::endl; return; }
//j is far left of array //k is far right of array //l is middle of array - right of left child array //m is middle + 1 of the array - left of right child array // // j l m k //_____________________________________ //| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| //-------------------------------------- //
void track(int j, int k, int * parent ) { //std::cout << "\n j is far left of array\n k is far right of array\n l is middle of array - right of left child array\n m is middle + 1 of the array - left of right child array\n\n j l m k\n _____________________________________\n | 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11|\n --------------------------------------\n ";
std:: cout << "======================" << std::endl;
std::cout << "|| __NEW NODE__ ||\n|| j =>" << j << " " << "k=> " << k << " ||" << std::endl; std:: cout << "======================" << std::endl; int length = k - j; int l = j + (length / 2); int m = l + 1; if(j == k ) { std::cout << "\n\n\n**********RETURN**********" << std::endl; return; }
std::cout << "Left Branch: j =>" << j << "\t" << "l => " << l << std::endl; std::cout << "Right Branch: m =>" << m << "\t" << "k => " << k << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "***Enter left : j =>" << j << "\t" << "l => " << l << "***" << std::endl; track(j, l, parent); std::cout << "Returned to Node j => " << j << "\tk=> " << k << " From the left" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "***Enter right : m =>" << m << "\t" << "k => " << k << std::endl; track(m, k, parent); std::cout << "Returned to Node j => " << j << "\tk=> " << k << " From the right" << std::endl; std::cout << "**********MERGE**********" << std::endl; merge(j,l,m,k, parent); }
}//end namespace
--------------A0BD793C493578214428EC26 Content-Type: text/x-c++src; name="main.cpp" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="main.cpp"
/* * ===================================================================================== * * Filename: main.cpp * * Description: merge sort main * * Version: 1.0 * Created: 11/09/2016 09:33:20 AM * Revision: none * Compiler: gcc * * Author: Dr. Fritz Mehner (mn), * Company: FH Südwestfalen, Iserlohn * * ===================================================================================== */ #include #include "msort.h" #include #include
#define SIZE 2500000
int main(int argv, char **argc) { using namespace std;
int *data = new int[SIZE]; // int *cache = new int[SIZE]; struct timespec now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); long seed = now.tv_nsec; srand( (unsigned int) seed); for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){ data[i] = rand() % 1000; cout << data[i] << "\t"; } cout << endl;
cout << "________________________________________________________" << endl;
cout << "***Size of Array " << SIZE << "****" << endl; cout << "____________________" << endl; cout << "Array Before" << endl; for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){ cout << "--------------------" << endl; cout << "| " << i << " ==> " << data[i] << "\t |" << endl; } cout << "--------------------" << endl; cout << "--------------------" << endl;
merge::track(0, SIZE - 1, data);
cout << "____________________" << endl; cout << "Array AFTER" << endl; for(int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++){ cout << "--------------------" << endl; cout << "| " << i << " ==> " << data[i] << "\t |" << endl; } cout << "--------------------" << endl; cout << "--------------------" << endl;
return 0;
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