DATE | 2015-02-17 |
FROM | Ruben Safir
SUBJECT | Subject: [LIU Comp Sci] OS Class Ctp 2 Dtrace
From Tue Feb 17 02:46:38 2015 Return-Path: X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: by (Postfix) id EC938161162; Tue, 17 Feb 2015 02:46:37 -0500 (EST) Delivered-To: Received: by (Postfix, from userid 28) id D85391612E7; Tue, 17 Feb 2015 02:46:37 -0500 (EST) Delivered-To: Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 66C71161162 for ; Tue, 17 Feb 2015 02:46:37 -0500 (EST) Received: from [] (unknown []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPSA id EAD8419F13 for ; Tue, 17 Feb 2015 02:46:36 -0500 (EST) Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 02:46:35 -0500 From: Ruben Safir User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.3.0 MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Subject: [LIU Comp Sci] OS Class Ctp 2 Dtrace Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Sender: Precedence: bulk Reply-To:
Does anyone understand this? It is from Chapter to of the OS class text. I'm very confused by the text here because it seems to be saying that when probes are turned on they are rewritten and I don't know what is rewritten. Can you rewrite a binary while its in memory? That would be news to me.
2.8.3 DTrace DTrace is a facility that dynamically adds probes to a running system, both in user processes and in the kernel. These probes can be queried via the D programming language to determine an astonishing amount about the kernel, the system state, and process activities. For example, Figure 2.20 follows an application as it executes a system call (ioctl()) and shows the functional calls within the kernel as they execute to perform the system call. Lines ending with “U” are executed in user mode, and lines ending in “K” in kernel mode. 88 Chapter 2 Operating-System Structures Figure 2.19 The Windows task manager. Debugging the interactions between user-level and kernel code is nearly impossible without a toolset that understands both sets of code and can instrument the interactions. For that toolset to be truly useful, it must be able to debug any area of a system, including areas that were not written with debugging in mind, and do so without affecting system reliability. This tool must also have a minimum performance impact—ideally it should have no impact when not in use and a proportional impact during use. The DTrace tool meets these requirements and provides a dynamic, safe, low-impact debugging environment. Until the DTrace framework and tools became available with Solaris 10, kernel debugging was usually shrouded in mystery and accomplished via happenstance and archaic code and tools. For example, CPUs have a breakpoint feature that will halt execution and allow a debugger to examine the state of the system. Then execution can continue until the next breakpoint or termination. This method cannot be used in a multiuser operating-system kernel without negatively affecting all of the users on the system. Profiling, which periodically samples the instruction pointer to determine which code is being executed, can show statistical trends but not individual activities. Code can be included in the kernel to emit specific data under specific circumstances, but that code slows down the kernel and tends not to be included in the part of the kernel where the specific problem being debugged is occurring. 2.8 Operating-System Debugging 89 # ./all.d ‘pgrep xclock‘ XEventsQueued dtrace: script ’./all.d’ matched 52377 probes CPU FUNCTION 0 –> XEventsQueued U 0 –> _XEventsQueued U 0 –> _X11TransBytesReadable U 0 <– _X11TransBytesReadable U 0 –> _X11TransSocketBytesReadable U 0 <– _X11TransSocketBytesreadable U 0 –> ioctl U 0 –> ioctl K 0 –> getf K 0 –> set_active_fd K 0 <– set_active_fd K 0 <– getf K 0 –> get_udatamodel K 0 <– get_udatamodel K ... 0 –> releasef K 0 –> clear_active_fd K 0 <– clear_active_fd K 0 –> cv_broadcast K 0 <– cv_broadcast K 0 <– releasef K 0 <– ioctl K 0 <– ioctl U 0 <– _XEventsQueued U 0 <– XEventsQueued U Figure 2.20 Solaris 10 dtrace follows a system call within the kernel. In contrast, DTrace runs on production systems—systems that are running important or critical applications—and causes no harm to the system. It slows activities while enabled, but after execution it resets the system to its pre-debugging state. It is also a broad and deep tool. It can broadly debug everything happening in the system (both at the user and kernel levels and between the user and kernel layers). It can also delve deep into code, showing individual CPU instructions or kernel subroutine activities. DTrace is composed of a compiler, a framework, providers of probes written within that framework, and consumers of those probes. DTrace providers create probes. Kernel structures exist to keep track of all probes that the providers have created. The probes are stored in a hash-table data structure that is hashed by name and indexed according to unique probe identifiers. When a probe is enabled, a bit of code in the area to be probed is rewritten to call dtrace probe(probe identifier) and then continue with the code’s original operation. Different providers create different kinds of probes. For example, a kernel system-call probe works differently from a user-process probe, and that is different from an I/O probe. DTrace features a compiler that generates a byte code that is run in the kernel. This code is assured to be “safe” by the compiler. For example, no loops are allowed, and only specific kernel state modifications are allowed when specifically requested. Only users with DTrace “privileges” (or “root” users) 90 Chapter 2 Operating-System Structures are allowed to use DTrace, as it can retrieve private kernel data (and modify data if requested). The generated code runs in the kernel and enables probes. It also enables consumers in user mode and enables communications between the two. A DTrace consumer is code that is interested in a probe and its results. A consumer requests that the provider create one or more probes. When a probe fires, it emits data that are managed by the kernel. Within the kernel, actions called enabling control blocks, or ECBs, are performed when probes fire. One probe can cause multiple ECBs to execute if more than one consumer is interested in that probe. Each ECB contains a predicate (“if statement”) that can filter out that ECB. Otherwise, the list of actions in the ECB is executed. The most common action is to capture some bit of data, such as a variable’s value at that point of the probe execution. By gathering such data, a complete picture of a user or kernel action can be built. Further, probes firing from both user space and the kernel can show how a user-level action caused kernel-level reactions. Such data are invaluable for performance monitoring and code optimization. Once the probe consumer terminates, its ECBs are removed. If there are no ECBs consuming a probe, the probe is removed. That involves rewriting the code to remove the dtrace probe() call and put back the original code. Thus, before a probe is created and after it is destroyed, the system is exactly the same, as if no probing occurred. DTrace takes care to assure that probes do not use too much memory or CPU capacity, which could harm the running system. The buffers used to hold the probe results are monitored for exceeding default and maximum limits. CPU time for probe execution is monitored as well. If limits are exceeded, the consumer is terminated, along with the offending probes. Buffers are allocated per CPU to avoid contention and data loss. An example of D code and its output shows some of its utility. The following program shows the DTrace code to enable scheduler probes and record the amount of CPU time of each process running with user ID 101 while those probes are enabled (that is, while the program runs): sched:::on-cpu uid == 101 { self->ts = timestamp; } sched:::off-cpu self->ts { -at-time[execname] = sum(timestamp - self->ts); self->ts = 0; } The output of the program, showing the processes and how much time (in nanoseconds) they spend running on the CPUs, is shown in Figure 2.21. Because DTrace is part of the open-source OpenSolaris version of the Solaris 10 operating system, it has been added to other operating systems when those 2.9 Operating-System Generation # dtrace -s sched.d dtrace: script ’sched.d’ matched 6 probes ˆC gnome-settings-d 142354 gnome-vfs-daemon 158243 dsdm 189804 wnck-applet 200030 gnome-panel 277864 clock-applet 374916 mapping-daemon 385475 xscreensaver 514177 metacity 539281 Xorg 2579646 gnome-terminal 5007269 mixer applet2 7388447 java 10769137 Figure 2.21 Output of the D code. 91 systems do not have conflicting license agreements. For example, DTrace has been added to Mac OS X and FreeBSD and will likely spread further due to its unique capabilities. Other operating systems, especially the Linux derivatives, are adding kernel-tracing functionality as well. Still other operating systems are beginning to include performance and tracing tools fostered by research at various institutions, including the Paradyn project.