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DATE 2024-08-09
FROM Ruben Safir
SUBJECT Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Fwd: What the Cori Bush defeat and the Tim Walz
The Palestinian plan to rally for the Genocide of Jews at the Democratic

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: What the Cori Bush defeat and the Tim Walz pick mean for our
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2024 16:32:38 +0000
From: Ahmad Abuznaid, USCPR Action
To: Ruben Safir

Dear Ruben,


There’s no way to sugarcoat this—despite the ongoing genocide, despite
the murders of Palestinian families with U.S.-made and funded 500lb
bombs, despite the urgency of this moment, and despite the obviousness
of the solution to end this bloodshed (ending weapons to Israel), we
have not accomplished our goals. 


We have made progress. We still have momentum. But the reality is, we’re
taking on an entire apartheid state and the AIPAC-bought U.S. political
system behind it. This week's stinging defeat of Congresswoman Cori
Bush—the first Black Lives Matter elected official and a stalwart ally
of Palestine—only underscores how much further we have to go.


Much has been written in the press about AIPAC’s power and this moment,
but outside of Congresswoman Tlaib’s essential voice, Palestinian voices
have not been uplifted. This is a long email that I felt compelled to
write to share with you how we understand this moment and how we plan to
fight back. **At the end, I will ask you to support our work and our
Palestinian-led organization.*


Since the genocide began last year, we have been overwhelmed and
inspired by supporters and activists like you mobilizing for Palestinian
liberation in the U.S. like never before. */Yes, we haven’t ended the
genocide, but our collective accomplishments should not be overlooked:/*

* In 2015, only 50 Democrats in Congress skipped Netanyahu’s speech.
This year, /over 150—over half of all Democrats—/did. 
* Millions have marched in solidarity with Palestine at thousands of
* You've collectively made over 2 million calls and emails demanding a
permanent ceasefire and an end to weapons to Israel through USCPR
and USCPR Action tools alone.
* Public opinion remains firmly on our side—over half of all Americans
and over 70% of Democratic voters support an end to weapons shipments. 
* Pressure from our movement effectively pushed Kamala Harris’s
presidential campaign to pick Tim Walz for VP, instead of the
expected front-runner and Governor of PA Josh Shapiro, who has yet
to fully denounce his past racist remarks toward Palestinians.
* Over 200 city council resolutions calling for ceasefire show the
power of local organizing.

We couldn’t have done all that without your support. That said, we must
remain clear-eyed about this fundamental truth: our movement to date has
not been able to wield its power to end weapons to Israel. We have not
ended the genocide, achieved a permanent ceasefire, or changed U.S.
policy yet. 


As a Palestinian organizer, I understand just how frustrating, how
devastating, that reality is.  And I know that some of you have been
going hard for 10 months and that beyond the obvious rage and
frustration, burnout and cynicism are also creeping in. 


It is rational in the face of what we are fighting against. It is a
human reaction to our politicians' indifference to U.S.-made and
taxpayer funded bombs being used to murder Palestinian families


But Ruben, whether it takes 1 year or 5 or 50, we must keep fighting.
For far longer than 10 months, generations of Palestinians have modeled
/sumud /– perseverance.  And we must continue standing with them.  


This is a long-term struggle, and we must turn our despair, our anger
and our cynicism into a long-term commitment to fight for Palestinian
liberation. Because the majority of people are already on our side,
Ruben. Polling results show that 64% of all U.S. voters support the
proposed ceasefire deal and 53% support halting military funding to Israel. 


And let’s be clear: Our next president must change U.S. policy on Gaza. 


Our job is to continue fighting until every politician realizes there is
no path to victory without responding to the demand of the majority of
U.S. voters who want to see a permanent ceasefire and an end to military
funding to Israel through an arms embargo. 


*With the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Chicago, the moment
is **/now/**to double down on our organizing*. On our protesting. On our
social media advocacy. 


Every. Single. Action. Matters in this fight. 


So if you’re burned out, take the time you need to think and breathe. 
But please, commit to being in this fight for the long haul. *No matter
who wins in November, no matter how much money AIPAC spends, and no
matter how long it takes, we will be here, alongside you, day in and day
out, fighting for Palestinian liberation. *


The first step in the path to that liberation is ending the billions of
dollars in military funding the U.S. sends every year to support
Israel’s apartheid regime. 


*If you’re able, please chip in to help us work this week, next month,
and next year to build the power our movement needs to change U.S.
policy and win. Your contribution to USCPR Action will ensure we can
continue to advocate for justice, hold our leaders accountable, and
fight for a future where U.S. policy no longer backs apartheid and



Thank you, Ruben. Your support means more than words can express. 


In solidarity,


Executive Director

P.S. In 11 days, we’re taking to the streets along with tens of
thousands of people to march on the Democratic National Convention and
bring the people’s demands to the door of the Democratic Party. We
demand an arms embargo /now/—and nothing less. *Join us for the March on
the DNC in Chicago (or tell your friends & fam in the area!) on Monday,
Aug. 19.*



USCPR Action
PO Box 3609
Washington, DC 20027
United States


/Contributions to USCPR Action, a Project of Tides Advocacy, are not tax
deductible as charitable contributions or as business expenses under IRC
Section 162(e). Your contribution may be used for lobbying or political
activity, and is not earmarked for a particular purpose. Please visit for additional information about Tides


If you believe you received this message in error or wish to no longer
receive email from us, please unsubscribe

So many immigrant groups have swept through our town
that Brooklyn, like Atlantis, reaches mythological
proportions in the mind of the world - RI Safir 1998
DRM is THEFT - We are the STAKEHOLDERS - RI Safir 2002 - Leadership Development in Free Software

Being so tracked is for FARM ANIMALS and extermination camps,
but incompatible with living as a free human being. -RI Safir 2013
Hangout mailing list

  1. 2024-08-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Spyware you pay for..
  2. 2024-08-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [ Upcoming student debt
  3. 2024-08-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [ Shortcut to a Lucrative
  4. 2024-08-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Exactly what IS political corruption?
  5. 2024-08-02 Ruben Safir <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Exactly what IS political corruption?
  6. 2024-08-02 Ruben Safir <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Exactly what IS political corruption?
  7. 2024-08-05 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Rape as a weapon in detail in the Arab war
  8. 2024-08-06 From: "Professional Career Services" <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Open House tonight! Masters in Accounting
  9. 2024-08-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] In a day loaded with news,
  10. 2024-08-08 Mithun Bhattacharya <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] reasons for modperl declines?
  11. 2024-08-08 Jeff Pang <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] reasons for modperl declines?
  12. 2024-08-08 Jeff Pang <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] reasons for modperl declines?
  13. 2024-08-07 Jeff Pang <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] reasons for modperl declines?
  14. 2024-08-08 Guido Brugnara <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] reasons for modperl declines? ... pagination
  15. 2024-08-08 Guido Brugnara <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] reasons for modperl declines?
  16. 2024-08-08 Vincent Veyron <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] *** SPAM *** Re: reasons for modperl declines?
  17. 2024-08-08 Guido Brugnara <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] reasons for modperl declines?
  18. 2024-08-07 Jan Kasprzak <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] reasons for modperl declines?
  19. 2024-08-08 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [ Re: cross-site scripting
  20. 2024-08-09 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Fwd: What the Cori Bush defeat and the Tim Walz
  21. 2024-08-09 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] More Red Paint
  22. 2024-08-09 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Jew hating Bigots and Journalist went to arrested
  23. 2024-08-10 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Ancient Calender
  24. 2024-08-10 shulie <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Chinese backdoors
  25. 2024-08-11 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] linux adim texts
  26. 2024-08-13 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] the rage to destroy -
  27. 2024-08-13 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] The kids are alright..
  28. 2024-08-14 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] DRM is theft
  29. 2024-08-15 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Drug Price Controlls Bullshit
  30. 2024-08-16 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Iran - New Zealand - all the same
  31. 2024-08-17 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] online privacy
  32. 2024-08-17 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Frontline on Israel
  33. 2024-08-18 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Gaza Abductions live video
  34. 2024-08-18 Ruben Safir <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Gaza Abductions live video
  35. 2024-08-25 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Just before Shabbat my phone and email lit up
  36. 2024-08-25 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Parental Alienation is a mess..
  37. 2024-08-25 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] 3000 missles a day..
  38. 2024-08-26 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Say what?
  39. 2024-08-26 Ruben Safir <> Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Say what?
  40. 2024-08-28 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] Get off the train

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