DATE | 2023-10-21 |
FROM | Steve Hay
SUBJECT | Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] [ANNOUNCE] mod_perl-2.0.13
We are pleased to announce the release of mod_perl 2.0.13
mod_perl is an Apache HTTP Server module for embedding a Perl interpreter in your web server, giving you super-fast dynamic content by avoiding the overhead of starting an external interpreter.
This release is now, or soon will be, available for download from a mirror site near you via:
or in the meantime directly from:
Checksums for this release are:
SHA256: mod_perl-2.0.13.tar.gz: ADE3BE31 C447B844 8869FECD FCACE258 D6D587B8 C6C773C5 F22735F7 0D82D6DA
SHA512: mod_perl-2.0.13.tar.gz: 453C7897 43487E2D 1167D005 F21EF978 0F36488D B8830103 E4EA0A06 56F685BF 5EC423CD 1BAA68EE 30EFC75D 9E2B845C 96564582 03B9F48D E81A315A 91D587C9
Major changes in this release are as follows:
Use get_server_banner() instead of deprecated get_server_version() in Apache2::Status. [Petr Písař Avoid generating APR precompiled headers. [Sam James ]
Fix build for perl >= 5.37.1. [Jitka Plesnikova ] _______________________________________________ Hangout mailing list