Original Message-----
From: Ruben Safir <ruben-at-mrbrklyn.com>
To: Karen Perilman <kerens3ts-at-aol.com>; Hangout <hangout-at-nylxs.com=
>; Liz Moore <lizmoorerph-at-gmail.com>
Sent: Wed, Apr 29, 2020 2:53 am
Subject: Re: good thing they are rushing (the vaccines)
One more thing... the women who some might think uses capi=
tal letters is
a Nurse Anesthesiaologist who spent good part of her life =
working with
Doctors without Boarders... threating patients and p=
opulations in Africa.
Karen, meet, Rick. Rick, meet Karen.
Side note to Liz -
I've been told today that Pharmacists aren't experts on va=
ccinations so
our opinion doesn't hold much weight....
Just for reference, I point out the paper that Liz and I w=
rong on
to continue on this thread...
On to Karen...
On 4/28/20 8:09 PM, Karen Perilman wrote:
> =C3=AF=C2=BB=C2=BF
> =C3=AF=C2=BB=C2=BFRuben,
> It=C3=A2=E2=82=AC=E2=84=A2s been a long time since we=
That is your fault! I periodically send you email :)=
> And I must tell you, this message you sent came as a =
Call me when you have time 718-715-1771
> First of all, the patients that were first largely in=
fected in Europe, Italy and Spain were knee jerk treated with intubation an=
d ventilation.
> I say knee jerk, because never before had they seen s=
o many people with the same symptoms in mass like this.
> Never mind the Chinese allowed 5 million INFECTED peo=
ple to leave China up to Jan 20th and go to work in Italy and Spain, the fa=
shion center.
> How do i know, because my daughter is the head senior=
designer for women in Spain for the company Zara. They have so many=
Chinese working there, and their industry is in the HUB of China.
> And in October 18-19th the International militaries a=
ll met in Wuhan for the WUhan games for 100 COUNTRIES. ANd when the =
games were over, all those 100 countries became infected.....
> Now, go back to where we were....
> All these people presenting with Shortness of breath =
> WHy do I say this, because maybe you forgot I am an a=
I haven't forgotten anything. Are you in New York no=
> The presentation of SOB was way off the standards of =
evaluation for SOB.
> The Corona is a virus that spread thru droplets as do=
> But we never reacted like this before.
I say this until I am blue in the face. We have NEVE=
R reacted like this
to even Small Pox!!
> Here is why we shouldn=C3=A2=E2=82=AC=E2=84=A2t have.=
> I spoke with the head oncologist at a NY Cancer hospi=
> I also spoke with the head neurologist at Northwell H=
ospitals and all of us said the same thing.
We've been working with St Barbaus and they just said the =
same thing in
the NY Post today,,
> The SOB from Corona patients was unlike a person with=
pneumonia or ARDS.
> Patients were talking and even on the phones, and sho=
wing low Puse OX readings.
> In Italy they didn=C3=A2=E2=82=AC=E2=84=A2t have the =
time to asses as they were barraged with patients,
> They ran out of ventilators when that was ACTUALLY wh=
at was killing people.
> Sick lungs under PEEP and ventilation only causes mor=
e problems and patients vaso constrict and organs shut down, and FAST=
, especially in the elderly.
This I didn't know and I don't understand. The ICU i=
s packed in the
Bronx with people on vents undergoing ID evaluation. =
In the end, there
is not much I can do for them other than take the states a=
nd track
infection. Infection contol on the floors is the big=
gest problem we have.
> But in the US, NO ONE took the time to look at the re=
ason people were SOB and they ASSUMED it was a viral infection, Corona.....=
> Now, looking back, we know now, that after autopsies,=
the patients lungs and bodies were filled with CLOTS!!!
Bilateral Granularity on the Xrays. We don't even ne=
ed testing for
this. It is a presumptive diagnosis already.
The patients were actually acting like someone with pulmon=
ary embolism.
The clots killed people with heart attacks and Strokes!!!!=
> So where did this information take the doctors who we=
re in the know.
> In NY and the UK, they started realizing that the pat=
ients who were on blood thinners and anti inflammatories had NO clots and t=
hey were mildly sick and got better.
> Those patients, in particular were Cancer patients wh=
o as you know are compromised immunologically.
I have data clearly showing me that pts on Chemo and with =
cancer don't survive this. They won't even ventolate=
those patients at
this point. So please explain this further.
BTW - the virus attacks clotting factors, and causes prolo=
ng PT times,
but frankly, that is common with cytosine storms, so I am =
not convinced
of that data.
> They tested the patients clotting times and saw the p=
roof in the blood.
> Waiting for a vaccine to kill a virus that will be ob=
solete in a year is ridiculous when we know how to treat the patients NOW.<=
> If someone presents to the ER with SOB, they should h=
ave been assessed to rule out for clots.
> A retro study, and a study that moves forward should =
be done immediately,
> BUT because the cure for the clots is CHEAP, no one i=
s going to recommend ASPIRIN or Azithromycin because they won=C3=A2=E2=82=
=AC=E2=84=A2t be able to make MONEY.
This has been a recurring problem. It is almost like=
they are purposely
misusing Hydroxychloroquin, which can only work in the ear=
ly phase of
the disease, in order to make way for other thearpies, and=
therapies, Remdesivir, Kaletra, Nitazoxanide, Tocilizumab,=
etc. All of
them cost over $2K per treatment. My friend Maya, wh=
o is a PharmD, she
was big on this point. They are not acting in a way that i=
s consistant
with a disease that shuts down civilization. They ar=
e telling us we are
in moral danger and the numbers don't bare it out and they=
aren't acting
like it is that serious.
> The mayor NY and the governor are 100% assholes.
> We have NEVER quarantined in the history of illness H=
> Sick people yes, and they should be isolated at home.=
It is unbelievable. Never in my lifetime could I hav=
e ever imagined this.
> If you go to any NY hospital now in the city, i=
f you show ANY signs of SOB you are intubated and you DIE!!!! They do=
not resuscitate anyone suspected of corona!!
> That=C3=A2=E2=82=AC=E2=84=A2s insane..... If the reas=
on people are dying are the clots, they NO ONE should be intubated and they=
should emergently be give blood thinners.
> The elderly are being treated like disposable spoiler=
s of this virus. They die alone and it=C3=A2=E2=82=AC=E2=84=A2s crimi=
How do you then prevent an anurism..
> I will not fall for the BS of waiting for a vaccine, =
because patients being treated right now with the new paradigm are survivin=
g and getting better quicker.
> No patient population compares to the cancer patients=
who were found to be Safe from the extreme sickness of Corona because so m=
any of their patients were on blood thinners.
> The evidence is there.
> Even the Young patients that died, died from Strokes.=
> No one is talking about the patients that contracted =
corona who were described as =C3=A2=E2=82=AC=C5=93healthy=C3=A2=E2=82=AC=C2=
=9D who SMOKE; it is a joke. Smokers are NOT healthy, not if they smo=
ke anything, pot, vaping or cigarettes.
> I see people on the streets with masks and gloves SMO=
KING and it=C3=A2=E2=82=AC=E2=84=A2s a joke.
> THey are blowing Corona and adding to the contaminati=
ng of all of us.
> I see people wearing masks and gloves throwing them i=
n the streets, not using them properly, and I tell them, will all this cost=
uming, they would never be allowed in the ICU to work because they have no =
idea how to used sterile masks and gloves.
> If you want to be mad, get mad with the medical syste=
m in NY fueled by political idiots that want to see the economy fail, so th=
ey can blame politics.
> Even Fauci, that =C3=A2=E2=82=AC=C5=93Statistician=C3=
=A2=E2=82=AC=C2=9D is out of the loop. He hasn=C3=A2=E2=82=AC=E2=84=
=A2t practiced medicine in 20 yrs!! And he is nothing but an accounta=
nt for the numbers that other people give him.
> THis is BS, I don=C3=A2=E2=82=AC=E2=84=A2t give=
a shit about politics...
> I do care that we are being used for this political e=
> The economy should have NEVER been shut down.
A strong economy is our leading weapon to fight the diseas=
> It=C3=A2=E2=82=AC=E2=84=A2s laughable that all the ma=
rkets and stores that are open are crowded and no one has stopped shopping.=
> Maybe they should try putting the voter machines in T=
arget or Walmart.....
> Then we could vote out these morons that crashed our =
economy when the answer to save people was right under our noses.
> Sent from my iPad
>> =C3=AF=C2=BB=C2=BF
>> We wouldn't want to distribute anything until we =
are absolutely sure it
>> is safe, because WTF!! 11K are already dead=
in NYC alone and 23million
>> are on indefinite lockdown!
>> Take your time boys. Make sure you get it r=
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=
>> Wall Street Journal today:
>> Pfizer could start distributing a possible vaccin=
e on an emergency basis
>> in the fall if all testing proves successful.
>> Photo: Sipa USA via AP
>> By Jared S. Hopkins
>> April 28, 2020 1:14 pm ET
>> Pfizer Inc. PFE -1.10% said Tuesday it could have=
a coronavirus vaccine
>> ready for use on an emergency basis in the fall i=
f it proves to work
>> safely in testing.
>> Testing of the vaccine, which has already started=
in Germany, could
>> start in the U.S. as early as next week if health=
regulators sign off,
>> Pfizer Chief Executive Albert Bourla said in an i=
nterview. Results from
>> the study could come as early as next month, Mr. =
Bourla said.
>> Pfizer would need to do more testing to make sure=
the vaccine works
>> safely. If all testing proves successful, Pfizer =
could start
>> distributing the vaccine on an emergency basis in=
the fall and receive
>> approval for widespread distribution by year=C3=
=A2=E2=82=AC=E2=84=A2s end, Mr. Bourla said.
>> =C3=A2=E2=82=AC=C5=93This is a crisis right now, =
and a solution is desperately needed by
>> all,=C3=A2=E2=82=AC=C2=9D Mr. Bourla said.
>> --
>> So many immigrant groups have swept through our t=
>> that Brooklyn, like Atlantis, reaches mythologica=
>> proportions in the mind of the world - RI Safir 1=
>> DRM is THEFT - We are the STAKEHOLDERS - RI Safir=
>> Being so tracked is for FARM ANIMALS and extermin=
ation camps,
>> but incompatible with living as a free human bein=
g. -RI Safir 2013
So many immigrant groups have swept through our town
that Brooklyn, like Atlantis, reaches mythological
proportions in the mind of the world - RI Safir 1998
DRM is THEFT - We are the STAKEHOLDERS - RI Safir 2002
Being so tracked is for FARM ANIMALS and extermination cam=
but incompatible with living as a free human being. -RI Sa=
fir 2013