DATE | 2020-02-24 |
FROM | Alexandre =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Fran=E7ois?= Garreau
SUBJECT | Re: [Hangout - NYLXS] Why the "social contract" should not be
Le samedi 22 février 2020, 20:48:43 CET Andreas Enge a écrit : > If anything, this message shows how much a code of conduct is needed.
I’ve just read
Beside the usage of the binary *-free english phrasing which is unfortunate when applied to human behavior, I noted that people who are part of “this community” ( community, I guess), and sometimes pushing for a CoC within GNU, yet never abided by points 0 (“Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people”) and 1 (“Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences”) of section 1, while I think it could be of great help to deescalate the tensions and disputes on this list.
Yet, to refrain myself from any unappropriated accusation, I understand point 0 requires skills which are unequally distributed according populations (and sometimes pretty low in ours, so this is not a point I particularely like being considered as obvious), and point 1 is something that requires experience, at first, to be dealt with easily.
Anyway this is pretty much unfortunate as if you are the ones defending such rules, you are socially smart enough to be more likely and able to do this than your opponents… unfortunately, as I guess you may consider that unlegitimate.
Also the recent attacks rms received recently, including by members of GNU and FSF, doesn’t abide by points 1 and 2 of section 2.
PS: there’s the added issue that while this CoC talks about “community”, it also does about “professional settings” (which to me is antagonist to “community”, and the very reason why the “community” word is so used nowadays (to include unpaid/unemployed people)), while this wiki is not professional, and GNU is not a professional organization, nor even withstand “professionalism” (I recall that being stated along with recalling GNU’s name itself is a joke anyway). Also the wording of the “community impact” of “permanent ban” section is unclear, in regards to whether “inappropriate” and/or “sustained” also qualify “disparagement of classes of individuals” (which btw might include any left-wing discourse such as talking about “plutocrats”… something I can hardly see unwelcome (yet I’ve seen a GHM talk being almost retired for something similar ><)). _______________________________________________ Hangout mailing list