DATE | 2020-02-16 |
FROM | Alexandre =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Fran=E7ois?= Garreau
SUBJECT | Subject: [Hangout - NYLXS] GNU Social Contract version 1.0
Le samedi 15 février 2020, 19:25:56 CET Andreas Enge a écrit :
> I agree with your analysis that trying to form a stronger GNU community
> should (and probaby will) be an open-ended process, requiring ongoing
> efforts with all interested people. And maybe people who are not
> interested in the GNU Social Contract
“Stronger GNU” is a pretty objective (for a subjective initiative) and
wide concept. It should be more inclusive. However the “Social Contract”
thing is not as much open as it could, as it requires from people who are
not endorsing, supporting or at least agreeing with GNU Project (who has
been famous to be pretty radical and extreme in views) “non-action” as a
biggest participation. This is not open.
I believe a “stronger GNU” could perfectly involve people who would
disagree at least partially with GNU. I expect free-software movement to
be generally waaaaaay wider than people fully agreeing with GNU. So
either you’re willing to lessening GNU’s views, or to limit yourself to a
narrower set of people. I don’t see how any of these can make GNU
stronger, pretty much the opposite.
The worse being lessening GNU’s views, because they’re rather unique and
rare and need to be defended. But I think you don’t *intend* or at least
*realize* to do that.
The worse is that I believe that in the end, not realizing it, you may as
well do both at the same time.
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