DATE | 2016-12-25 |
FROM | Rick Moen
SUBJECT | Subject: [Hangout-NYLXS] Light even in the darkness
Deirdre called my attention to a wonderful article at about the family
of Rabbi Akiva and Rachel Posner, who in 1932 lived in their home in
Kiel, north Germany. The Yad Vashem Museum in Jerusalem has their
hanukiyah (Hanukkah menorah), lent by the family, who now live in
Haifa, and a photograph Rachel took of the hanukiyah standing in the
front window facing a large NSDAP swastika flag across the street. On
the back of the photo, Rachel wrote this poem in her native German:
"Juda verrecke",
de Fahne spricht.
"Juda lebt ewig!"
erwidert das Licht.
"Judah will be lost [die]",
the flag says.
"Judah will live forever!"
Answers the light.
1932 was the family's last Hanukkah at their home in Germany: They
left in 1933 and settled in the Yishuv (Jewish community, lit.
'settlement') in British Mandate Palestine. Most of Rabbi Posner's
congregation were persuaded by his urgings that they also emigrate, and
Light even in the darkness. Am Yisrael chai. Chag Hanukkah 5776
And hey, also: God jul og godt nytt år til alle fra Moen familien i
Menlo Park, California. (Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to
everyone from the Moen family in Menlo Park, California.)
Vel, egentlig vi er i kommunefritt San Mateo County, men det er nær.
(Well, actually we're in unincorporated San Mateo County, but it's
Og også, Ruben, gå videre og hater Palo Alto. Da jeg ble født der,
den gamle Stanford sykehuset var utenfor bygrensen. Det er ikke min by.
(And also, Ruben, go ahead and hate Palo Alto. When I was born there,
the old Stanford hospital was outside the city limits. It's no town of
Se, norsk er en nær slektning av engelsk. (See, Norwegian is a close
relative of English.)
Joyeux Noel et bonne année. Oui, je suis un peu polyglotte. Merci de
le remarquer.
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