DATE | 2016-12-06 |
FROM | James E Keenan
SUBJECT | Subject: [Hangout-NYLXS] The talks I'd like to hear
We have an tech talk coming up in two days (, so that means it's time to start preparing future tech talks.
I have one presentation in the works. But, in the hope of stimulating You The Reader to consider giving a presentation, I'd like to make some suggestions as to ...
*Tech Talks I'd Like to Hear*
1. "What the He** Is Fuzzing?
In the last two years, the largest category of bugs in Perl 5 reported to has been "fuzzer-detected issues" ( These are memory-related issues (with possible security implications) detected by "fuzzing" or "fuzz testing" ( and in particular by the weirdly-named "American Fuzzy Lop" ( This presentation will provide a gentle introduction to the concept of fuzzing and show its relevance to Perl.
2. State of the Art of Web Frameworks in Perl (and Elsewhere)
Perl has (at least) three major web frameworks used in production environments: Catalyst, Dancer2 and Mojolicious. In this presentation, we'll do a "compare-and-contrast" among these frameworks and their current state of development. And, if the presenter's knowledge permits, we'll touch upon the frameworks not written in Perl which are currently in vogue.
3. Math Libraries in Perl and Elsewhere
Perl 5 certainly has math libraries -- and Perl 6 is said to be great for doing math -- but the current reputation of other dynamic languages' libraries (read: Python) is much better than Perl's. What do we have and what are we lacking?
4. Career Development for Perl Aficionados
Perl is your first love. You'd love to go on programming in Perl forever. But you recognize that other languages are more in fashion and that you will have to diversify your language base to work in information technology over the long haul. What should you be learning? What skills *other than* languages do you need to acquire?
Add the talk you'd like to hear here!
Better still, add the talk you'd like to present here!
Thank you very much.
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