DATE | 2015-03-25 |
FROM | Ruben Safir
SUBJECT | Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Threads and Speed
I'm covering threads in the Operating Systems class and the text is in adequate. But years ago I recall have some terse converations about the threading model and how overblown I thought it was, and how it killed programs, slowing them down badly.
A big response back was the discussion of contact overhead. But there is a lot of overhead with threads as well, and especially kernel level threads. Today we have multiple cores, so in order to get concurrency and parallelism with code instruction, threading helps move processes across multiple nodes and cpus (although I don't know why that can not inherently be done on a process level). Regardless, the means to inherent acceleration of threads is still not a proven fact as fara as i can tell.
So I have this question in the Homework:
4.2 What are two differences between user-level threads and kernel-level threads? Under what circumstances is one type better than the other?
Well that is a real head scratcher. It is an open ended lazy question that is given without much thought on the part of the author.
Under what platform? Under what conditions?
But I did do some research and uncovered two decent POVs on this top, opposed to each other, FWIW
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` A) For clarity, I usually say "OS-level threads" or "native threads" instead of "Kernel-level threads" (which I confused with "kernel threads" in my original answer below.) OS-level threads are created and managed by the OS. Most languages have support for them. (C, recent Java, etc) They are extremely hard to use because you are 100% responsible for preventing problems. In some languages, even the native data structures (such as Hashes or Dictionaries) will break without extra locking code.
The opposite of an OS-thread is a green thread that is managed by your language. These threads are given various names depending on the language (coroutines in C, goroutines in Go, fibers in Ruby, etc). These threads
only exist inside your language and not in your OS. Because the language chooses context switches (i.e. at the end of a statement), it prevents TONS of subtle race conditions (such as seeing a partially-copied structure, or needing to lock most data structures). The programmer sees "blocking" calls (i.e. data = ), but the language translates it into async calls to the OS. The language then allows other green threads to run while waiting for the result.
Green threads are much simpler for the programmer, but their performance varies: If you have a LOT of threads, green threads can be are better for both CPU and RAM. On the other hand, most green thread languages can't take advantage of multiple cores. (You can't even buy a single-core computer or phone anymore!). And a bad library can halt the entire language by doing a blocking OS call.
The best of both worlds is to have one OS thread per CPU, and many green threads that are magically moved around onto OS threads. Languages like Go and Erlang can do this.
system calls and other uses not available to user-level threads
This is only half true. Yes, you can easily cause problems if you call the OS yourself (i.e. do something that's blocking.) But the language usually has replacements, so you don't even notice. These replacements do call the kernel, just slightly differently than you think. Kernel threads vs User Threads
Edit: This is my original answer, but it is about User space threads vs Kernel-only threads, which (in hindsight) probably wasn't the question.
User threads and Kernel threads are exactly the same. (You can see by looking in /proc/ and see that the kernel threads are there too.)
A User thread is one that executes user-space code. But it can call into kernel space at any time. It's still considered a "User" thread, even though it's executing kernel code at elevated security levels.
A Kernel thread is one that only runs kernel code and isn't associated with a user-space process. These are like "UNIX daemons", except they are kernel-only daemons. So you could say that the kernel is a multi-threaded program. For example, there is a kernel thread for swap. This forces all swap issues to get "serialized" into a single stream.
If a user thread needs something, it will call into the kernel, which marks that thread as sleeping. Later, the swap thread finds the data, so it marks the user thread as runnable. Later still, the "user thread" returns from the kernel back to userland as if nothing happened.
In fact, all threads start off in kernel space, because the clone() operation happens in kernel space. (And there's lots of kernel accounting to do before you can 'return' to a new process in user space.)
Now, FWIW, the refernece to Green threads MIGHT be a reference to the SunOS Green Threads, but maybe not since this response seems up to date on language implementations and SunOS has been dead for a while. The Linux Kernel breaks all procedures and threads into TASKS that is a kernel data structure.
Now here is the second post: This one is more classical and is likely what the text is looking for,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kernel-Level Threads
To make concurrency cheaper, the execution aspect of process is separated out into threads. As such, the OS now manages threads and processes. All thread operations are implemented in the kernel and the OS schedules all threads in the system. OS managed threads are called kernel-level threads or light weight processes. • NT: Threads • Solaris: Lightweight processes(LWP).
In this method, the kernel knows about and manages the threads. No runtime system is needed in this case. Instead of thread table in each process, the kernel has a thread table that keeps track of all threads in the system. In addition, the kernel also maintains the traditional process table to keep track of processes. Operating Systems kernel provides system call to create and manage threads.
Because kernel has full knowledge of all threads, Scheduler may decide to give more time to a process having large number of threads than process having small number of threads. Kernel-level threads are especially good for applications that frequently block.
The kernel-level threads are slow and inefficient. For instance, threads operations are hundreds of times slower than that of user-level threads. Since kernel must manage and schedule threads as well as processes. It require a full thread control block (TCB) for each thread to maintain information about threads. As a result there is significant overhead and increased in kernel complexity.
User-Level Threads
Kernel-Level threads make concurrency much cheaper than process because, much less state to allocate and initialize. However, for fine-grained concurrency, kernel-level threads still suffer from too much overhead. Thread operations still require system calls. Ideally, we require thread operations to be as fast as a procedure call. Kernel-Level threads have to be general to support the needs of all programmers, languages, runtimes, etc. For such fine grained concurrency we need still "cheaper" threads.
To make threads cheap and fast, they need to be implemented at user level. User-Level threads are managed entirely by the run-time system (user-level library). The kernel knows nothing about user-level threads and manages them as if they were single-threaded processes. User-Level threads are small and fast, each thread is represented by a PC, register, stack, and small thread control block. Creating a new thread, switching between threads, and synchronizing threads are done via procedure call. i.e no kernel involvement. User-Level threads are hundred times faster than Kernel-Level threads.
The most obvious advantage of this technique is that a user-level threads package can be implemented on an Operating System that does not support threads. User-level threads does not require modification to operating systems. Simple Representation: Each thread is represented simply by a PC, registers, stack and a small control block, all stored in the user process address space. Simple Management: This simply means that creating a thread, switching between threads and synchronization between threads can all be done without intervention of the kernel. Fast and Efficient: Thread switching is not much more expensive than a procedure call.
User-Level threads are not a perfect solution as with everything else, they are a trade off. Since, User-Level threads are invisible to the OS they are not well integrated with the OS. As a result, OS can make poor decisions like scheduling a process with idle threads, blocking a process whose thread initiated an I/O even though the process has other threads that can run and unscheduling a process with a thread holding a lock. Solving this requires communication between between kernel and user-level thread manager. There is a lack of coordination between threads and operating system kernel. Therefore, process as whole gets one time slice irrespective of whether process has one thread or 1000 threads within. It is up to each thread to relinquish control to other threads. User-level threads requires non-blocking systems call i.e., a multithreaded kernel. Otherwise, entire process will blocked in the kernel, even if there are runnable threads left in the processes. For example, if one thread causes a page fault, the process blocks.
So putting the two responses together, you can get a broad look at Threading topography in the modern system. And together they are more understandable and comprehenssive then the assigned textbooks on the subject.