DATE | 2015-03-05 |
FROM | Ruben Safir
SUBJECT | Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Community Funding
On Wed, Mar 04, 2015 at 09:44:54AM -0800, Elfen Magix wrote:
>Parent education can mean a lot of things. And a major problem is > actually getting the parents involved in the first place.
THIS is a hustle, and Rafi at KNOWS this huslte very well and we, and specifically YOU, can best learn to put all this experience together to work this hustle. This is not like the lottery. This has to be worked. He has a system that he goes to various PTA meetings and pitches Linux educaiton straight to the parents and they can use their distcrissionary spending to set up programs for GNU/Linux education.
That is why I am wsay that we need to step out of the box, and learn a technique to aquring the available hunding, or a share of it. But it is 100% a hustle. You have to hustle parents, teachers, principles... and you have to remain on it through failures, through the next failure, until you develope a string of successes.
Rafi is gregarious, intelligent and willing to help up learn this hustle, which is far more than learning regulations and law, all of which we have studied until being sick.
> Getting anyone over the age of 21 is problematic. Many assume that they as > a parent will do best on their own and believe their actions with > the family is what they require to do and nothing more. So this > falls into several categories which I only mention a couple:
> Computer Literacy as a parent - do they know what they children > are doing online? do they know that they are responsible for their > child's actions? Do thy know, in short, if their child cyberbullies > another, that they can go to jail for their child's actions? Can > they be sure that content their child is access is appropriate for > them? Many do not, just as much do not care. The problem comes up > with this fact - a mother would spend 10 minutes a day with their > child, a father would spend 15 minutes a day. Is that time enough > for their child's needs? No it is not. But the TV gets 6 to 8 hours > of "parenting" the child. Today, the TV has been replaced with the > computer and the Internet. 10 - 15 minutes a day as a parent does > not undo 6 - 8 hours with the computer and internet does.
the programs from the School, as far as i can understnad, teach PARENT themselves directly. Our job is to sell a program acceptable to us to which they want toparticipate and then have thempresure the school to make the program available.
> Parenting itself - Is what your learned from your parents in the > 70s-2000's good enough for you to do to you child? What are the > legalities of your child's actions affect you? What are your rights > as a parent? and so on.
>Like I said, getting the parents involved is a problem. Most work >and are too tired do anything after work. Sometimes a weekend >program can get a few more parents involved but it wont all of >them. At best, maybe 10% of all the children's parents would come >to an event.
I am not going to accept this negativism. rafi gets parents to the programs, and even without that, we will get parents to the programs.
If we got 10% that would be HUGE!!!
We must, without question, get together and learn this hustle and network our resources.
Schedule a meet up right away.
>The only time I had a flood of parents is when I and >a friend did a CPR & HIV/AIDS Course, where the children over 10 >were certified for free, but parents paid $30, we gave a poster >letter about this course stating, "When you have heart attack, >you cant give CPR to yourself!" Out of a possible 120 parents, 40 >showed up with their older kids and teens. By the end of the day, >they were all CPR certified, and we generated about $1200 or the >program that day.
>Parent Education has to be defined by the program as what? That >depends on the program. For us, that means what?
-------------------------------------------- On Wed, 3/4/15, Ruben Safir wrote:
Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Community Funding To: Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2015, 8:40 AM
Are you familiar with title 1 funding for community and parent education?
I had a bit of a conversation with Megaz last night and I really need to confir with you about funding ideas and such.? This guy has the whole hustle worked out.? Not just details of programs, but also proven methods to hustle funding.
BTW - it seems we need a social worker.