DATE | 2015-03-04 |
FROM | Elfen Magix
SUBJECT | Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Community Funding
No I am not familiar with that name in particular. There were talks about such a program years ago, where the Bd/Dept of E would pay centers for such services but the teachers/councilors in these programs have to be NYS/NYC Teacher Certified. Then it failed because a lot of community teachers were not licensed or certified, and it goes against NYS Protocol in community center children's services guide lines.
Right now I'm in the middle of setting up a proposal/business guide for an up-to-date computer literacy program which includes robotics, IT, and so on. But it needs to include both Microsoft and Linux/Open Source resources. Under Teens the Raspberry Pi will be used in part of their STEM education, and if we submit an application to, they can give us a grant and materials, providing that we have something going with the Raspberry Pi. Unfortunately I have 4 medical appointments this week, one I already had. The problems I see is that the Raspberry Pi Foundation is in the UK, that is going to take time to process. They have funded programs in Africa and China, so funding a US Program is not a problem.
Intel and Microsoft also has grants for community computer literacy if their products are used, with the easiest to get is to set up an Office App Certification course. And the Gates Foundation always gives out for educational programs. Finally, the city gov. does have program source funding but that is a maze and a half for this rat to run through. Maybe Michael R. can run that maze?
A social worker would be for the community center itself, and not for a computer literacy program persay. But their basic function is to make sure that the families in the program are properly serviced and look for other services they need. When I was in LSNC, I dealt with a family where 1/2 of them were dying from AIDS (mother, father, 2 babies were infected with the mother and the babies dying, but there were the father and 4 more young girls in the family to deal with - all under 9). God's Love We Deliver only gave food to the parents, and the kids were starving. I spend 2 hours on the phone with them and managed to get GLWD to give the children the food they needed. Plus my program then served food as well, with at first from donations from a Roy Rogers in the area, they threw out so much food everyday it is not even funny. So we got them to donate the food to the program monday - friday, all we had to do was pick it up. That lasted for a couple of
years before they went out of business - the building they were in was torn down, not they were running in the red. Other services for the families would also be required but this is on the community center level and not the program level.
So how far are we taking this?
On Wed, 3/4/15, Ruben Safir wrote:
Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Community Funding
Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2015, 8:40 AM
Are you familiar with title 1 funding for community and
parent education?
I had a bit of a conversation with Megaz last night and I
really need to confir with you about funding ideas and such. This guy
has the whole hustle worked out. Not just details of programs, but
also proven methods to hustle funding.
BTW - it seems we need a social worker.