DATE | 2014-07-07 |
FROM | Ruben Safir
SUBJECT | Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [ Re: [linux-elitists] Hacker ethic, brogrammer
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Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2014 08:59:15 -0400 From: Ruben Safir To: Subject: Re: [linux-elitists] Hacker ethic, brogrammer ethic User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)
> > While there's some "these kids today don't appreciate > what earlier generations built" the problem might > be that we don't have _enough_ license flamewars. > At least they got people to think about the norms > that affect software sharing. >
The problem is deeper than this and largely a failure of our own making. The common public just doesn't get a shit any longer. As long as they have a steady supply of the dope of choice, then they could care less about eulas, crowdsourcing, licenses, source code, tracking, stalking, survalance, social control, etc etc etc.
I feel sorry for these kids. I feel like I let them down and they are entering a very dark chapter in human history.
God help us all..
The experience they are perhaps missing most, and which we failed to transmit, is the experience of looking at a black screen with nothing more than a keyboard. Similarly, they never face a white sheet of paper, with just a penicil in their hands, or a lump of clay, or a blank canvass, or a box of blocks even. Who needs a licensing flamewar in a generation that can't read and doesn't have access to rich debate, and which has no understanding of participation, creativity and constuctive engagement that isn't prepackaged, regurgitated and pre-digested.
I wanted to use technology in order do tasks, and empower me. I needed it to do what I wanted to, and I needed to bend it to my needs.
So when the Phone was invented wealthy aristacrats at a dinner table said, "So that is your new "telephone". It rings and you come running!"
We are now a long way from that. Maybe the first thing we need, at this point, is to put down the damn mini-tablet/cellphone, turn off the GPS, pull out a fishing pole, and head out on a boat for an afternoon of fishing.
The whole model of technology and human society needs to be reassessed at this point and we need to take control of our future, which is not our future any longer, but the future of our children.
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