DATE | 2014-05-29 |
FROM | Ruben Safir
SUBJECT | Re: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] where to put this.
We DON'T believe in the American system of justice, and our role as a free people demands that we don't. Our RIGHTS under the constitution are designed to protect our ability to RESIST government, because Government is dangerous and FOLLY.
That is better edited.
BTW - if anyone is interested, I've been fairly ill of late so I haven't been able to do as much as I once did. I'm sorry, but the fact is that I'm getting old, and I'm sorry about what I see. The decades coming are going to be very difficult for young people who have little understand of even what they have lost, and how they are being herded.
But I just really have the strength that I did 20 years ago, and I'm not feeling well at all. It has been a very difficult life that has taken its toll both physically and psycologically on my body and mind.