DATE | 2014-04-21 |
FROM | Elfen Magix
SUBJECT | Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Medical Update 042114
Medical Update 4/21/14
Curse out god and reality on this one. OK. Maybe just reality.
Visit with Hematology went with mixed results. Again, medicine by committee says that I am to be on Warfrin/Coumadin/Rat Poison for another year, based on my regular doctor's decision, if not for life.
Why? They can't figure out why my blood is thickening and needs to be thinned. Never mind that I'm, according to some, on 3X lethal dose to get my blood thinned.
But when asked about "Instead of treating the symptoms, why not look for the reason why to get a cure?" I was given dumb looks and shrugs. All they are saying is that my heart is too weak to pump thick blood and the blood needs to be thinned.
So I'm on the stuff for another year at best. Now to get my heart strengthened somehow...
On that, remember back in Sept., I said (to some) that my heart did something that should have killed me but instead took the blow in order to save me. Thus then all my heart muscles were pulled, stretched, and ripped beyond their max, like pulling on a leg muscle. According to all the docs, the heart has healed but getting it back to 100% will take time. We will just have to wait and see on how that goes and maybe by Sept I can say that things are OK.
Take care everybody!