DATE | 2012-08-24 |
FROM | Paul Robert Marino
SUBJECT | Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Announcement Lib-CIM-Perl now published on Github
Hello every one
I've been promising it for a long time and I've finally done it. I've posted the first publicly available alpha version of LCP ( Lib CIM Perl ). its available on git hub here
The current version implements the following methods from DSP0200
GetClass GetInstance DeleteClass EnumerateClasses EnumerateClassNames EnumerateInstances EnumerateInstanceNames Associators AssociatorNames GetProperty
Eventually all other methods from DSP0200 will be implemented before 1.0 is completed.
It is capable of generating both simple and multirec queries, however multirec queries have not been thoroughly tested beyond validation of the XML against the XML schema due to the fact that the OpenPegasus versions I've tested with don't support them.
it can post via POST or M-POST over http or https.
has incrementing sequence numbers for each post it sends.
last but not least has a quick and easy to use simple result parser.
Lib CIM Perl is built completely on top of LWP (Lib WWW Perl ) and XML::Twig there are no additional libraries other than their dependencies required. Lib CIM Perl its self is written in pure Perl so there is no need to install any C based CIM client libraries to use it.
Most of the testing so far has been against OpenPegasus
keep in mind this is an alpha version and the list of things to do with it is as long as my arm, and some of the API will change soon, however the API will stabilize shortly once I release version 0.01. I would appreciate any constructive feedback people are willing to give prior to working on the next release
here is a little code sample for any one who is interested to get started using it
use LCP; use Data::Dumper; my $options={ 'username'=>'username', 'password'=>'passwd', 'protocol'=>'http', 'Method'=>'POST' }; my $post_counter=0; print "setting up the agent\n"; my $agent=LCP::Agent->new('localhost',$options); print "setting up the session\n"; my $session=LCP::Session->new($agent); print "constructing the query\n"; my $test=LCP::Query->new(); $test->EnumerateClasses('root/cimv2'); print "posting the query\n"; my $post=LCP::Post->new($session,$test); if (defined $post and $post->{'Result'}->is_success){ print "post executed\n"; print "-at-{[$post->{'Result'}->decoded_content]}\n"; my $parser=LCP::SimpleParser->new($post->get_raw_xml); my $tree=$parser->buildtree; print Dumper($tree) . "\n"; }