DATE | 2011-02-24 |
FROM | Ron Guerin
SUBJECT | Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] NYLUG Presents: 3/16 @ 6:30PM Tom Limoncelli on You Suck at Time Management and It Isn't Your Fault
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM IBM 590 Madison Ave, 12th Floor corner of 57th Street
*** RSVP Closes at 4:00 PM the day of the meeting (sharp!) *** Please RSVP for EVERY meeting at this time. Register at Check in with photo ID at the lobby for badge.
Tom Limoncelli - on - You Suck at Time Management and It Isn't Your Fault
Tom will present his "Top 5" time management tips for better time management, and take Q&A about time management, system administration, and what it's like to work at Google.
More Information:
About Tom Limoncelli: Tom is the author of O'Reilly's "Time Management for System Administrators" and co-author of "The Practice of System and Network Administration" (Addison-Wesley). He is an internationally known author and speaker on many topics, including system administration, networking, security, and grassroots political organizing. Tom lives in New Jersey and works for Google in NYC.
Meeting Location: Please note that this meeting will be held at IBM, 590 Madison Ave, 12th floor, corner of 57th Street, and not at Google. This is the building with the IBM logo on the front of the building.
Swag (Give Away): During/after the meeting... unusually terrific swag may be given away.
Stammtisch: After the meeting ... You may wish to join up with other NYLUGgers for drinks and pub food. This month we'll be over at TGI Friday's (677 Lexington and 56th Street, Second floor, Northeast corner), but we are also evaluating other options for the future and welcome your suggestions.
Coding Workshops/Hacking Society: This is a group of people that wants to learn about and work on coding in Python, Smalltalk, Ruby, C++, LaTeX, and other languages, and hack on code. There will also be help given for those who wish to install Linux for the first time. Sometimes they go out to eat afterward.
Bring something to show off and discuss!
The workshops meet every other Tuesday, at the NY Public Library, Hudson Park Branch. 66 Leroy St. NY NY from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Next meetings are March 1, and March 15. See the calendar at:
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