DATE | 2011-02-04 |
FROM | Ruben Safir
SUBJECT | Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] [ US Supreme Court to Hear Child Support Case]
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[3]Fathers and Families
[4]US Supreme Court to Hear Child Support Case February 3, 2011
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US Supreme Court to Hear Case Challenging Constitutionality of Jailing Parents for Inability to Pay Child Support
Fathers and Families has for many years publicized the terrible child support problems often faced by low income obligors, and we've had some legislative success on the issue. Nevertheless, the problem remains acute, particularly due to the recession.
The injustice is typified by the case of Jeremy Lavine, one of three Fathers and Families supporters quoted in a [5]national Associated Press article on the issue. Lavine worked in the real estate industry and had a $1,100 a month child support obligation based on a $4,500 a month income. Like so many in the real estate industry, his income dropped precipitously, yet the Florida Department of Children and Families told him his industry was going to bounce back and refused to give him a downward modification. The kicker? Lavine's kids live with him 50% of the time.
In the end, Lavine's ex-wife was very reasonable. Today she and Jeremy share the kids 50-50 and split day care and health care expenses, and neither pays child support. As Jeremy says, "we worked everything out--despite the child support system."
Now the US Supreme Court will soon hear oral arguments in Turner v. Price, a South Carolina case concerning one of the worst aspects of this abusive system--the way some states jail indigent child support debtors without providing them legal counsel.
The suit was filed by a coalition of legal groups, including the South Carolina American Civil Liberties Union and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. In their brief they wrote:
?The South Carolina Family Court nevertheless has imprisoned hundreds, and likely thousands, of indigent defendants for nonpayment of support without appointed counsel...
"These defendants languish in modern-day debtors? prisons after patently unfair proceedings, many of which lack any factual findings. Often the courts do not even inquire into the defendant?s ability to pay their support obligation.?
Fathers and Families Board Member Robert Franklin, Esq. has been covering Turner and related cases and developments. In [6]Prison for Indigent Parents Owing Child Support to Be Heard by the Supreme Court, Robert discusses a recent Atlanta Journal Constitution article on the issue:
"It?s worth noting that no one in the Georgia child support bureaucracy, no judge, no attorney challenges the assertion that Georgia jails non-custodial parents who are unable to pay their child support... "War veteran Randy Miller supported his child very nicely for several years, but then lost his job. He continued to put his child first and made his payments until he literally ran out of money. He now has no assets of any kind including a bank account with 39 cents in it.
"The state?s response to his nightmare? Incarcerating him..."
For more information, see Robert's [7]Three Cases Challenge Constitutionality of Jailing for Inability to Pay Child Support and [8]Supreme Court to Hear Child Support Case by Indigent Dad.
[9] Huffington Post Covers DSM/Parental Alienation Controversy, F & F?s Campaign
Divorce consultant Cathy Meyer recently covered the controversy over DSM-5 and Parental Alienation, along with [10]Fathers and Families? role in it, in her Huffington Post column [11]Parental Alienation: It?s About More Than ?A Uterus, Divorce Papers and Bruises? (1/25/11).
Meyer writes:
Over the last few months Father?s Rights activists have been attempting to have Parental Alienation Disorder added to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the American Psychiatric Association?s ?bible? of diagnoses.
A couple points:
1) Meyer is referring to our [12]Campaign to Ask DSM to Include Parental Alienation in Upcoming Edition, which we launched in December of 2009. The response from our supporters has been enthusiastic--Dr. Darrel Regier, vice chair of the DSM-5 Task Force, told the Associated Press in October, ?We?ve gotten an enormous amount of mail--more than [on] any other issue.?
A coalition of mental health experts led by psychiatrist William Bernet has been at the forefront of the DSM efforts. Fathers and Families? work has been to support this coalition. Gaining inclusion isn?t easy?David J. Kupfer, M.D., the chair of the DSM-5 Task Force, told the media that with any disorder proposed for inclusion, ?The door to get in [the manual] is pretty hard.?
2) We are a family court reform organization (as opposed to ?Father?s Rights activists?). Our emphasis generally turns towards fathers because they are the ones whose relationships with their children is most imperiled after a divorce or separation, but we support fair treatment for all family court litigants.
Meyer writes:
When learning of this effort the National Organization for Women (NOW) became concerned and sent out an Action Alert to counter the campaign. According to NOW?s Tracy Simmons:
?Parental Alienation Syndrome has now morphed into Parental Alienation Disorder thanks to the fathers? rights organizations who are wildly pushing this through, and why wouldn?t they? It benefits the abuser and discriminates against the victims of abuse, which are overwhelmingly women.
To learn more about NOW?s counter-campaign, see our blog post [13]NOW Criticizes F & F over Our Campaign, Writes DSM Task Force. Simmons? characterization of Parental Alienation is very erroneous, as Meyer correctly details.
To join the debate about Parental Alienation and Meyer?s piece on the Huffington Post, click [14]here. To read the rest of our analysis of the piece, please click [15]here.
Join Fathers and Families [16][17]Fathers and Families Fathers and Families is a family court reform organization with a comprehensive strategy, an impressive history of legislative and fundraising success, and the largest reach of any advocacy group of its kind: * [18]Become an F & F Activist/Supporter by Filling out Our Volunteer Form * [19]Contribute to Fathers and Families
Massachusetts Alert: Your Action Requested, Highest Priority
Massachusetts residents: We need your action now--the deadline to get more co-sponsors for our Shared Parenting bill is this Friday (February 4)!
The response to last week's Massachusetts Action Alert has been encouraging, but we need more. We need you to forward this email to five Massachusetts friends or family members and ask them to contact their state Representative and Senator and ask them to be a co-sponsor of our shared parenting bill. Explain to them that this is a bill that will help Massachusetts children by protecting the loving bonds they share with both parents after divorce or separation. Ask your mother or father, your brother or sister, friends, co-workers, aunts and uncles--anyone you can.
We want you to: 1. Ask them to call their state Representative and Senator and ask them to be "a co-sponsor of our shared parenting bill." 2. They do not need to be an expert on this subject--they just need to tell their legislator that they are a voter in their district and then make the ask. They will probably be connected to an aide -- that is not an insult, it is standard, and it is OK. 3. Here is some information that your state Representative and Senator will want to know: + Name of the bill: An Act Supporting Children and Strengthening Families + Docket Number: HD03194 + Lead Sponsor: Representative John Scibak (D-South Hadley) (pronounced "Sigh-back") 4. If your friends and family members do not know who their state Representative and Senator are, they can find out by going [20]here and typing in their address. Once this website shows the names of their Representative and Senator, they can just click on their names and they will get their phone numbers. 5. If they or their Representative and Senator want to know more about the bill, they can find: + A one-paragraph summary of the bill plus the text of the bill [21]here. + A one-page summary of the bill [22]here. 6. Please let us know what feedback we receive from legislators or staffers by [23]emailing me. This is highest priority and deadline-limited -- please act now! 7. No matter what the legislator or staffer does or says, please ask your friend or family members to remain polite and respectful.
Together with you in the love of our children, Ned Holstein, MD, MS Founder and Chair of the Board What's Happening
[24]Missouri High Court Calls Child?s Adoption ?Manifest Injustice?[25]
British High Court Expands ?Domestic Violence? to Include Shouting and Criticizing
[26]Police Use DV Claim to Obscure Brutality in Tavares Case[27]
Embattled Dad Ken Thompson Finally Home with Son After Parental Abduction, False Accusations [28]
Brits Getting Cold Feet on Proposals to Increase Fathers? Parental Leave [29]
Canadian Report Reveals Some Surprising Facts About Domestic Violence There [30]
Domestic Violence in Canada: Not Much Change, Less Reporting to Police [31]
?Beginning of the End? for French Maternal Anonymity Law
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