DATE | 2010-07-02 |
FROM | Ruben Safir
SUBJECT | Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Meeting Resolutions from last nigh
After considerable intense negotions and discussions last night we've come to the following basic agendas for NYLXS in the comming summer.
The Anual NYLXS Technight Baraque will be on evening of Thursday July 22nd starting at 7:00PM. Vegitarian and Kosher food will be available and for those keeping track, Tisha B'Ave is on the 20th of July this year so we clear the three weeks.
Next Thursday evening we will be meeting to discuss and work on the NYLXS Library software to make out books available for lending through an online and we'll follow up with this project over the summer. We have over 250 books to catelogue and get into an application. Meeting location to be announced.
Debcom is coming this year and Joann is going to collect information on how we can participate and report back to us at the enxt meeting and on the mailing list.
I'm considering a Childrens oriented Computer camp for two weeks at the end of the summer.
Technite and installfests to be announced, starting next week.