DATE | 2008-07-03 |
FROM | Shoshana Rivka Safir
SUBJECT | Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Post high school jobs or internships?
I just recently graduated High School and I'm entering College. I'm wondering if anyone knows of a internship in the tech field. I'd like to get something that I can keep when I start college, something that I can grow my skills with.
My High School was a Yeshiva so we had very long days, but I'm familiar with everything GNU becuase we've had a lot of computers in the house and a lot of computer friends, installfests, and I learned some programming in the summer that I could learn better.
I'm very good with people and projects. Last summer I worked for Raj Goel at BrainLink and he was happy with my work.
My resume is at
Any suggestions, please email me.
Shani Safir