DATE | 2007-05-30 |
FROM | Amy Coleman
SUBJECT | Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Myspace
Hello everyone!
Haha, I am now here. I'm going to introduce myself for those who do not know me yet. I am the lovely cute squeaky girl who is dating Paul (or as I call him Rob) and do show up to meetings from time to time.
just so y'all know we now are on myspace! WAHOO! come on everyone, dance with me. The link is So if you are on myspace, please add it! We need more than just Tom as our friend.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated it. And I do mean feedback since I am the princess err I mean maintainer of the page. GIve me pictures, quotes, anything in the world to add. I'll even add a calendar to it so we can keep track of future meetings, events, parties, etc.
Ok guys! Thats all my boring news.
from the lovely loud mouth Amy