DATE | 2006-03-31 |
FROM | Ruben Safir
SUBJECT | Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Assembler Workshop and questions
I'm really looking forward to the assembler workshop that we will hopefully be starting next week, and I've been pouring over this text from WROX, Prefssional Assembly Language by Richard Blum.
Over the last 2 weeks I've been running just over the first 2 chapters which cover a run down on the IA32 architecture and Assembler basics and registers. Some of these paragraphs can be dedicated to at least a chapter. This guy spends 3 pages and 3 flow charts on the Pentium 4 core, including the prefetcher, decoder, out of order execution engine, retirement unit. branch predictor and more.
And then runs into a discussion on registers. The registers need more explanation. You have six basic kinds of registers, General purpose, Segment, Instructor Pointer, floating point data, control and debug.
And then he runs into a description of these registers witho enough background on the real functions of these things, let alone any discussion on flat, segmented or read addressing modes. And THEN you have the flags.
This needed to be more fully laid out, IMO.