DATE | 2006-03-16 |
FROM | Ruben Safir
SUBJECT | Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] NYLXS Journal Meeting
The NYLXS Quarterly Journal committee will be meeting on Monday, March 20th at 7PM at the Killarny Rose, 80 Beaver Street, Manhattan Island.
Article Submissions and ideas will be taken on any and all topics relating to Free Software.
Articles which are under way thus far include
GPL3 - The controversy, and problems as seen from the perspective of the FSF.
GAS - Assembler Unix Style
GNU/Linux Labs in the High School Setting at Concord HS: what do students do with 60 GNU systems?
Healthcare Software and World Vista - the new horizon for Free Software enterprise.
and more.
Writers, and editors are welcome!
Committee Chaired By Michael Richardson As always, Beer and food will be flowing
The Killarny Rose is at 80 Beaver Street the 2,3 IRT subway to Wall Street (as well as many other lines).