DATE | 2005-05-26 |
FROM | Ruben Safir
SUBJECT | Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] I think this was the constitution minus a slight change we had to
NYLXS [- if ($ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} =~ m|/([^/]*)/(.*)[/\.]|) { $section = $1; $page = $2 ; } Execute ('header.html', $section) -] [- Execute ('columns.html', $section, $page) -]
ARTICLE I - Name The name of this organization shall be New York Linux Scene ("NYLXS"). ARTICLE - II Purpose New York Linux Scene is an organization dedicated to providing leadership and resources to the New York Free Software Community. Bound to no specific local organization, it's members support the New York Linux Scene ARTICLE III - Membership 1. Section 1. Types of membership shall consist of active voting, active non-voting, active student voting. * A. Active voting membership requires participation at regular meetings, minimum volunteer work as determined by the membership committee, and current on dues. * B. Active non-voting membership requires participation at any Linux Group regular meetings, mailing list, or other Free Software based activity. There is no dues. * C. Active Voting student membership requires proof of student status plus minimum volunteer work as determined by the membership committee and current on student dues. 2. Section 2. Application for membership is provided at meetings and online at 3. Section 3. Annual dues shall be an amount set by the Executive board, payable before the annual meeting of each year or at such other frequency as the Executive board determines. 4. Section 4.Voting requires good standing in the Organization for the previous quater. An exception is made for the first four months after the charter is passed. 5. Section 5. A member who resigns in good standing will be reinstated automatically upon payment of dues and participation in volunteer events. * Section 5a. Members are allowed to go on sabatical status for reasons such as international travel, or other events which makes it impossible for a member to participate. The chairman of the membership committee will approve these reqests individualy. Members on sabatical are temporarly excused from volunteer hours until they come back to the region. Sabaticals can not be more than 6 months. 7. Section 6. A member who is dropped from the roll for nonpayment of dues will be reinstated automatically upon payment of dues and otherwise is in good standing. 8. Section 7. Special assessments maybe imposed by the Executive board as needed. 9. Section 8. Only Active voting members and Active voting student members may vote. ARTICLE IV - Officers 1. Section 1. Officers of this organization shall be a president, a first and second vice president, a secretary, a recording secretary, treasurer and a co-treasurer. 2. Section 2. In case the office of president becomes vacant, the first vice president shall automatically become president. The second vice present shall automatically become first vice president. A general election shall then be held to fill the second vice president's position. A similar election shall be held to fill any other vacancy. 3. Section 3. An Officer can resign by giving notice in writing to any other executive board member. 4. Section 4. Officers can not be reimbursed for any out of pockets costs except by approval by any two of the following; the President, Tresurer or any other officer. ARTICLE V - Elections 1. Section 1. * A. Officers shall be elected and installed at the annual meeting to serve for a term of one year or until their successors are elected. * B. Officers are elected by recieving a majority vote of the ENTIRE membership. 2. Section 2. * A. At the regular meeting held in January a nomination committee of three (3) shall be appointed by the president to prepare a slate of officers. * B. The nominating committee shall obtain the consent of the nominees to place their names on the slate. * C. No officer shall be eligible for four consecutive terms in the same office but can be eligible for a different office. 3. Section 3. * A. The nomination committee shall make a report at the annual meeting held in January. * B. Nominations may be made from the floor. * C. Election of officers shall be by secret ballot. All votes must be authenticated by the nominating committee. * D. Voting privileges shall be for active voting members, and active student voting members. * E. Members must receive 48 hour advance notification of elections. ARTICLE VI - Duties of Officers 1. Section 1. The president shall preside at all NYLXS meetings; appoint the standing committee heads immediately after installation; appoint special committees; serve as ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee. 2. Section 2. The 1st vice president shall assume the duties of the president in the absence of the president; automatically become president in case of death or resignation of the president. The 2nd Vice president shall replace the 1st Vice President. 3. Section 3. The secretary and recording secretary shall record all proceedings of general meetings; handle all correspondence. Prepare agenda with approval from president for all general and board meetings. Post notices for all meetings. 4. Section 4. The treasurer shall collect dues and care for NYLXS's funds; keep an accurate record of receipts and payments; submit a report at each Executive Board meeting submit a financial report at each regular business meeting and an annual report at the annual meeting, including a statement certifying members eligible to vote. The co-treasurer shall assist the treasurer. ARTICLE VII - Meetings 1. Section 1. Meetings shall be held as often as required. There shall be two kinds of meetings; executive and other meetings. Executive meetings require a majority of the board. All execitive meetings are held according to the simplified Roberts rules of order. 2. Section 2. Two thirds (2/3) of officers make a quorum at executive meetings. Executive meetings most take place once a month, in the second week of the month. 3. Section 3. All deliberations of the executive meetings must be published on 4. Section 4. Special meetings may be called by the president, the Executive Board, or upon request of any four active voting members in good standing. Special meetings are a form of executive meeting. 5. Section 5. A Notice must be placed on and through the main nylxs mailing list at least 48 hours before any meeting. ARTICLE VIII - Executive Board 1. Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the (7) officers. A. A meeting of the outgoing and incoming Executive Boards shall take place soon after election for transfer of files. 2. Section 2. A. The Executive Board shall supervise the affairs of the organization between meetings. B. It shall see the objectives of the organization are accomplished. 3. Section 3. A. Four officers shall be required to be signatories on any bank account. Any Two of the four required Officers can open and sign on any bank account. B. No Executive Board member nor NYLXS may borrow money on behalf of NYLXS. C. Expenditures over $500 must be approved in advance by a majority of the board. 4. Section 4. Executive board and general meeting votes can be made by proxy and must be in writing. Votes require a simple majority for passage of the ENTIRE membership, unless a higher percentage is required else where in the bylaws. ARTICLE IX - Committees 1. Section 1. The president may appoint standing committees and adhoc meetings as shall be required. Standing meetings are permanet until disbanned and Adhoc or temporary for an specific task. * Section 1a. The following committees are permanent standing committies * Membership - To oversee membership policy and track hours and dues * Education - encouraging adoption of Free Software in the education system, providing support to educational institutions and developing course curriculums, scheduling of classes and teachers. * Lobbying - establishing and maintaining relationships with other groups having similar goals, disseminating information about where and when people can show up and add their voice, speaking up on the issues facing the Free Software community. * Journal - produce an NYLXS Journal and other informational materials. * Finance - Report to the board on the status of the financial position of the organization. 3. Section 2. The president may appoint adhoc committees as necessary and can be chaired by any NYLXS member. Each adhoc committee will have a chairman who will report the executive board progress and volunteer hours of committe members. 4. Section 4. Standing Committees shall periodically report on their progress to the Executive Board. 5. Section 5. A Member of the Executive Board shall chair each standing committee. ARTICLE X - Discipline Any Executive board or active member may be dismissed by two-thirds vote without cause by active voting members in good standing at a regular meeting. Any Executive board or active voting member may be dismissed with cause by the executive board. Cause shall mean any act that is either illegal or discredits the membership, such as, but not limited to, theft, embezzlement, etc. ARTICLE XI - Amendment These bylaws may be amended by a two thirds vote at any excutive meeting provided the amendment was submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting. ARTICLE XII - Dissolution If the organization is dissolved, all assets of the organization shall be divided equally among the active members in good standing after all bills are paid.