DATE | 2005-05-18 |
FROM | Contrarian
SUBJECT | Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] NYLXS Board Minutes May 11 2005
NYLXS Board Meeting May 11 2005
Meeting was held at the Brooklyn Marriott, 7:30 p.m. In attendance: Ruben Safir, Evan Inker, Steven Milo, Joanne Cripps
Reports of Committees:
No formal report from Fundraising Committee. Discussion of proposal of Michael George to recruit in Bryant Park or other location with wireless.
Inservices: There will be an inservice June at State St. Evan Inker will do a CUPS inservice. Steve Milo will do a GRUB inservice.
FSI: Steve Milo will speak with Charles Nardino concerning possible Brooklyn or Downtown Manhattan meeting spaces.
Education: The high school list is overdue.
Finance: Steve Milo and Ruben Safir will update the bank signature forms Tuesday May 17th.
Workshops to be planned for C programming, Python, Gtk.