DATE | 2005-05-15 |
FROM | Ruben Safir
SUBJECT | Subject: [NYLXS - HANGOUT] Membership and Fund Raising/ Bryant Park
I was talking to Michael George about our fund raising and membership goals for this year. He mentioned one particularly interesting idea that we can set up at Bryant Park with Wireless and try to do an outreach. Giving this some thought over the weekend, I'm thinking this is not a bad idea. If we handle this like the "Software Freedom" event, we can push classes, give out disks, and do some decent outreach.
We would need 3 or 4 lap tops to do this, and some materials. He also wanted to hit 14th Street.
Would folks be interested in this kind of activity?
PS - anyone have a disk with the New Jersey speeches on them? We also have a few videos from inservices and such.