DATE | 2005-01-06 |
FROM | Billy
SUBJECT | Re: [hangout] What is available for creating GUI's?
Steve Milo wrote: > We need to create an 'application' for ms machines, I would like do the > development work on a GNU/Linux box.
You've got some options here.
glade/gtk if you want C/C++. these libs are ported to Windows.
You can do the whole thing on Mono, and it'll work on Windows .NET without a recompile. There's always Java, which may be right for you. Personally, I don't like it.
There's Tcl/Tk (my personal favorite), Perl/Tk, and Python/Tk, which all have very good Windows and Mac support.
Tcl is my favorite because it's the fastest way to write a GUI that I've ever seen, and it's a very easy language to autogenerate scripts for. A common idiom in Tcl/Tk is dynamically interpolating out a little handler script and binding it to a GUI event. It's got a very _regular_ syntax (like LISP), and everything's a string. Lists are strings separated by spaces, and any list can be evaluated as a script by interpreting the first element as a command name. There are only about 10 rules to Tcl syntax, and that's it.
Here's a Tcl GUI app:
#!/usr/bin/wish button .b -text {hello, world!} -command exit pack .b
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