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DATE 2004-12-01


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DATE 2004-12-02
FROM Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS
SUBJECT Subject: [hangout] Getting New Volunteers

Creating a golem from clay:

Creating the golem from clay will take several hours. Be sure to start
early in the day.
Read the ingredients

1. While wearing the pure white robes, mix the clay with the dust
and water until you have a slightly malleable substance. Be sure to not
use so much water that the clay can no longer hold its form. Be sure to
save some of the water.

2. Use your bare hands to carve the figure of the golem in the
clay. Pray to God for success while forming the clay. If the clay
begins to harden as you're still molding, sprinkle it lightly with some
of the purified water.

3. When you've finished the form of the golem, let the statue stand
for a few hours to harden slightly.

4. Using the writing instrument, enscribe in Hebrew the word for
truth, EMETH, on the forehead of the statue.


* The golem's clay will continue to harden and may crack slightly.
Covering the golem with a damp cloth will help prevent these cracks.
* Be sure to maintain your purity of purpose for the length of the
life of your golem.
Creating a golem from air:

Creating the golem from air should take approximately 30 minutes of
unbroken concentration [*].
Read the ingredients

1. First, combine each Hebrew letter with all of the other letters
except itself starting from the beginning of the alphabet. Do not
recite those pairs that are mirror images of previously recited pairs
(e.g. aleph-bet, bet-aleph). This should give a following sequence
(using English letters):
AB, AC, AD, AE, AF...
BC, BD, BE, BF...
CD, CE, CF...
There will be 231 basic letter pairs or gates.

2. Then combine each Hebrew letter with all of the other letters
except itself, but start from both ends of the alphabet. Again, don't
recite the pairs which are mirror images of other pairs. You should get
a sequence like the following:
ZA, YA, XA...
ZB, YB, XB...
ZC, YC, XC...
This will yield another 231 letter pairs or gates.


* Be sure to recite all pairs in one sitting.
* If you recite a single pair out of order, restart from the
* Correct pronounciation is a must!
* This calculation assumes the speaker takes two seconds to recite each
letter, of which there are two letters for each pair and 231 pairs
which must be recited forward and back. --
Brooklyn Linux Solutions

So many immigrant groups have swept through our town that Brooklyn,
like Atlantis, reaches mythological proportions in the mind of the
world - RI Safir 1998

DRM is THEFT - We are the STAKEHOLDERS - RI Safir 2002 - Consulting <-- Happy Clients - Leadership Development in Free Software - Unpublished Archive or stories and
articles from around the net - See the New Downtown

NYLXS: New Yorker Free Software Users Scene
Fair Use -
because it's either fair use or useless....
NYLXS is a trademark of NYLXS, Inc

  1. 2004-12-30 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] 'Free' Software Isn't Free (Article)
  2. 2004-12-30 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Suffering the Swings and Arrows of Outrageous Customer Service!
  3. 2004-12-30 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] In lui of a board meeting, some suggestions
  4. 2004-12-30 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Dual-booting multiple Linux distros
  5. 2004-12-29 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] NYLXS: Non-profit Status
  6. 2004-12-29 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ Google Alert - Linux]
  7. 2004-12-28 From: "Steve Milo" <> Subject: [hangout] On the heels of the FireFox removal thing.
  8. 2004-12-28 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Fw: Re: [NMLUG] Microsoft still up to tricks
  9. 2004-12-28 Billy <> Re: [hangout] Fw: Re: [NMLUG] Microsoft still up to tricks
  10. 2004-12-28 From: "Steve Milo" <> Subject: [hangout] Fw: Re: [NMLUG] Microsoft still up to tricks
  11. 2004-12-28 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] A Moment to Pause
  12. 2004-12-27 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Steinbeck's hometown to close libraries
  13. 2004-12-27 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Sprucing up open source's GPL foundation
  14. 2004-12-26 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Technite
  15. 2004-12-25 From: "Steve Milo" <> Subject: [hangout] Technite
  16. 2004-12-25 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] jobs3
  17. 2004-12-25 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Jobs2
  18. 2004-12-25 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Jobs
  19. 2004-12-25 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Free Software in Primary School Education
  20. 2004-12-23 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] supplies
  21. 2004-12-23 From: "rc" <> RE: [hangout] supplies
  22. 2004-12-23 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] supplies
  23. 2004-12-23 From: "rc" <> Subject: [hangout] supplies
  24. 2004-12-23 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Lost works from the web
  25. 2004-12-23 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] unsubscribe
  26. 2004-12-23 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] unsubscribe
  27. 2004-12-22 From: "Steve Milo" <> Subject: [hangout] Meeting today?
  28. 2004-12-21 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ [suse-security-announce] SUSE Security Announcement: various kernel problems (SUSE-SA:2004:044)]
  29. 2004-12-21 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Urgent! I need an answer for the meeting ASAP.
  30. 2004-12-21 From: "Steve Milo" <> Subject: [hangout] Urgent! I need an answer for the meeting ASAP.
  31. 2004-12-21 From: "Steve Milo" <> Subject: [hangout] Board Meeting?
  32. 2004-12-20 mlr52 <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: [wwwac] NY area high school art/design/media teacher contacts for workshop
  33. 2004-12-19 Evan Inker <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Sunday Tech Night
  34. 2004-12-19 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: I would like to invite you to be aguest on my show. When you
  35. 2004-12-19 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] KDE
  36. 2004-12-19 Steve Lebetkin <> Subject: [hangout] KDE
  37. 2004-12-19 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Desktop FS System Software
  38. 2004-12-18 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Desktop FS System Software
  39. 2004-12-18 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ Upcoming hearings by the New York City Council's Committee on Technology in Government (as of 12.17.04).]
  40. 2004-12-17 From: "Steve Milo" <> Re: [hangout] Way too Weird!!!!
  41. 2004-12-16 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Way too Weird!!!!
  42. 2004-12-15 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Lawsuit filed to prohibit copyright protection of software
  43. 2004-12-15 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Subject: [hangout] Priorities for PR in Your New Year Plans (fwd)
  44. 2004-12-15 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Improving Job Market and the Linux Journal
  45. 2004-12-15 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Improving Job Market and the Linux Journal
  46. 2004-12-14 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] FW: [Politics] retired
  47. 2004-12-14 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] FW: How smart is your right foot?
  48. 2004-12-13 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Jobs Board
  49. 2004-12-13 wjc <> Subject: [hangout]
  50. 2004-12-12 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Subject: [hangout] cross posting.
  51. 2004-12-12 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] Voting (was:Re: why we need Free Software voting machines)
  52. 2004-12-12 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Great Article: Free as in Freedom - Part 1
  53. 2004-12-12 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Voting (was:Re: why we need Free Software voting
  54. 2004-12-12 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Voting (was:Re: why we need Free Software voting
  55. 2004-12-12 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Voting (was:Re: why we need Free Software voting
  56. 2004-12-12 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Voting (was:Re: why we need Free Software voting
  57. 2004-12-12 Contrarian <> Subject: [hangout] Re: why we need Free Software voting machines
  58. 2004-12-11 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] DSL or Broadband
  59. 2004-12-11 Adam Kosmin <> Subject: [hangout] Why we need Free Software voting machines
  60. 2004-12-11 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Subject: [hangout] DSL or Broadband
  61. 2004-12-10 Steve Lebetkin <> Subject: [hangout] paging Paul Robert Marino
  62. 2004-12-10 Adam Kosmin <> Subject: [hangout] Great Article: Free as in Freedom - Part 1
  63. 2004-12-10 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Getting back to you.
  64. 2004-12-10 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Linux class questions
  65. 2004-12-09 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Researchers warn laptop users of infertility risk
  66. 2004-12-09 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Board meeting
  67. 2004-12-09 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Board meeting
  68. 2004-12-09 From: "Inker, Evan" <> RE: [hangout] Introducing you to a new Linux Journal sister publi
  69. 2004-12-09 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Introducing you to a new Linux Journal sister publi
  70. 2004-12-09 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] NYC gets no respect...
  71. 2004-12-09 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Introducing you to a new Linux Journal sister publication
  72. 2004-12-09 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] A Chanuka Gift from the City of New York
  73. 2004-12-08 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] A Chanuka Gift from the City of New York
  74. 2004-12-08 Billy <> Re: [hangout] A Chanuka Gift from the City of New York
  75. 2004-12-08 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] A Chanuka Gift from the City of New York
  76. 2004-12-08 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] NYC gets no respect...
  77. 2004-12-08 From: "rc" <> RE: [hangout] Open House CONGRADS!!!
  78. 2004-12-08 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ [nylxs-announce] GNU/Linux Scene Calender for Today]
  79. 2004-12-07 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] Open House CONGRADS!!!
  80. 2004-12-07 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Leads: Student Club
  81. 2004-12-07 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Open House CONGRADS!!!
  82. 2004-12-07 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Open House CONGRADS!!!
  83. 2004-12-07 From: "Inker, Evan" <> RE: [hangout] Open House CONGRADS!!!
  84. 2004-12-07 From: "rc" <> RE: [hangout] Open House CONGRADS!!!
  85. 2004-12-07 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Open House CONGRADS!!!
  86. 2004-12-07 From: "Inker, Evan" <> RE: [hangout] Open House CONGRADS!!!
  87. 2004-12-07 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Open House CONGRADS!!!
  88. 2004-12-06 From: "Ruben I Safir - Secretary NYLXS" <> Re: [hangout] Paging David Sugar
  89. 2004-12-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Help with Open House set up
  90. 2004-12-06 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] [nylxs-announce] GNU/Linux Scene Calender for Today
  91. 2004-12-06 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [nylxs-announce] GNU/Linux Scene Calender for Today
  92. 2004-12-05 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Open House and Classes Drive
  93. 2004-12-05 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Novel Review
  94. 2004-12-04 swd <> Re: [hangout] What would the definition of enterprise
  95. 2004-12-04 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] What would the definition of enterprise level
  96. 2004-12-03 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Holography and Computers
  97. 2004-12-03 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] NYLXS Radio Show
  98. 2004-12-03 Contrarian <> Subject: [hangout] I have an announcement message,
  99. 2004-12-03 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Open House and Classes Drive
  100. 2004-12-03 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Open House and Classes Drive
  101. 2004-12-03 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Open House and Classes Drive
  102. 2004-12-02 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Open House and Classes Drive
  103. 2004-12-02 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Open House and Classes Drive
  104. 2004-12-02 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Open House and Classes Drive
  105. 2004-12-02 From: "Steve Milo" <> Re: [hangout] Open House and Classes Drive
  106. 2004-12-02 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Open House and Classes Drive
  107. 2004-12-02 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] New Website Advice
  108. 2004-12-02 Contrarian <> Subject: [hangout] leafleting report
  109. 2004-12-02 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Getting New Volunteers
  110. 2004-12-02 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Kill all the Spammers
  111. 2004-12-02 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] What would the definition of enterprise level computing be?
  112. 2004-12-02 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] need car
  113. 2004-12-02 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] mp3 editing
  114. 2004-12-01 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Meeting Tomorrow Morning
  115. 2004-12-01 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] Meeting Tomorrow Morning
  116. 2004-12-01 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] GNU/Linux gains in data warehousing
  117. 2004-12-01 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Meeting Tomorrow Morning
  118. 2004-12-01 From: "Steve Milo" <> Subject: [hangout] What would the definition of enterprise level computing be?
  119. 2004-12-01 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ Upcoming Hearings by the Committee on Technology in Government of the New York City Council (as of Nov. 30, 2004)
  120. 2004-12-01 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] [Fwd: [FCNYC] Computer ONLY for non-profit!!!] (fwd)

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