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DATE 2004-03-01


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DATE 2004-03-19
FROM Michael Richardson
SUBJECT Subject: [hangout] RE: [DMCA_Discuss] New bill to veto Supreme Court decisions

-- This is my signature."In The Business World An Executive Knows Something
About Everything, A Technician Knows Everything About Something, And the
Switchboard Operator Knows Everything." No one person is smarter than
their team!

Contact information for Michael L. Richardson 1 212 961 8385 Main Line New York State Liquor
Authority 1 212 961 8314 My Direct Line NYS Liquor Authority 1 212 961 8382
Fax NYS Liquor Authority 1 718 627 0106 NYLXS, INC. & FREEDOM IT 1 718 469 9242 Home Voice/Fax 1 718 213
1646 Cell

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT []
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 6:34 AM
Subject: Re: [DMCA_Discuss] New bill to veto Supreme Court decisions

On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Jon O. wrote:

> In real life this would be a joke...obviously this is not real life.
> Not-So Supreme
> The dumb new proposal to veto the Supreme Court.
> By Dahlia Lithwick
> Posted Wednesday, March 17, 2004, at 3:32 PM PT
> This one may have escaped your notice: Last week, a Kentucky Republican
introduced a new House bill, HR 3920, to allow Congress to override Supreme
Court decisions. No, seriously. Ron Lewis' bill, cheerfully titled, "The
Congressional Accountability for Judicial Activism Act of 2004," was
introduced without much fanfare, perhaps because it's one of the dumbest
ideas ever.
> Lewis' bill proposes to let Congress, by a two-thirds vote of each house,
override any Supreme Court decision that presumes to review the
constitutionality of an act of Congress. In a recent press release, Lewis
notes the shenanigans of "activist judges," such as those on Massachusetts'
Supreme Court.who recently ruled that it's discriminatory to prohibit gay
marriages.even though his proposed legislation does nothing to address state
Supreme Court decisions. He even concedes that a "more comprehensive
solution" would be necessary to address the gay marriage issue. But absent a
more comprehensive solution, he's willing to waste everyone's time debating
a useless one.
> Lewis also cites to the 9th Circuit's decision in the Pledge of Allegiance
case, as evidence of "judicial . overreaching," even though federal
appellate court decisions are also not covered by his legislation.
> ...
> _______________________________________________
> ------------------------
> ------------------------
> DMCA_Discuss mailing list

NYLXS: New Yorker Free Software Users Scene
Fair Use -
because it's either fair use or useless....
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  1. 2004-03-12 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  2. 2004-03-12 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  3. 2004-03-12 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  4. 2004-03-12 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  5. 2004-03-12 Steve Milo <> Subject: [hangout] Paging RobM
  6. 2004-03-12 Michael Richardson <> RE: FW: [hangout] Demo CD
  7. 2004-03-12 Michael Richardson <> RE: FW: [hangout] Demo CD
  8. 2004-03-12 From: "Inker, Evan" <> RE: FW: [hangout] Demo CD
  9. 2004-03-12 Steve Milo <> RE: FW: [hangout] Demo CD
  10. 2004-03-12 Steve Milo <> RE: FW: [hangout] Demo CD
  11. 2004-03-12 Steve Milo <> RE: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  12. 2004-03-12 From: "Inker, Evan" <> RE: FW: [hangout] Demo CD
  13. 2004-03-12 Michael Richardson <> RE: FW: [hangout] Demo CD
  14. 2004-03-12 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  15. 2004-03-12 From: "Inker, Evan" <> RE: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  16. 2004-03-12 Steve Milo <> Subject: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  17. 2004-03-12 Adam Kosmin <> Re: FW: [hangout] Demo CD
  18. 2004-03-12 Michael Richardson <> FW: [hangout] Demo CD
  19. 2004-03-12 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  20. 2004-03-12 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Pasha
  21. 2004-03-12 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  22. 2004-03-12 From: "Inker, Evan" <> RE: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  23. 2004-03-12 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  24. 2004-03-12 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  25. 2004-03-11 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  26. 2004-03-11 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Power Supply
  27. 2004-03-11 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Demo CD
  28. 2004-03-11 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] (fwd) Re: DRM company tracking.
  29. 2004-03-11 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Demo CD
  30. 2004-03-11 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Demo CD
  31. 2004-03-11 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Demo CD
  32. 2004-03-11 Adam Kosmin <> Subject: [hangout] (fwd) Re: DRM company tracking.
  33. 2004-03-11 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Army to Gates: Halt the free software
  34. 2004-03-11 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Army to Gates: Halt the free software
  35. 2004-03-11 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] Power Supply
  36. 2004-03-11 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] Demo CD
  37. 2004-03-11 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  38. 2004-03-11 From: "Inker, Evan" <> RE: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  39. 2004-03-11 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Power Supply
  40. 2004-03-11 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Demo CD
  41. 2004-03-11 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  42. 2004-03-11 David Etengoff <> Subject: [hangout] Please remove my name from mailing list
  43. 2004-03-11 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Adam here is the ad FREEDOM-IT
  44. 2004-03-11 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  45. 2004-03-11 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  46. 2004-03-11 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  47. 2004-03-11 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Guest editorial: Open source for capitalists
  48. 2004-03-11 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Motorola readies music-oriented Linux mobile phone
  49. 2004-03-11 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] GnomeMeeting's PC Conferencing Alternative
  50. 2004-03-11 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  51. 2004-03-11 Adam Kosmin <> Subject: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  52. 2004-03-11 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] NY Fair Use
  53. 2004-03-11 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Tonights Meeting
  54. 2004-03-10 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Hardware Review: The Linare Home and Business PC
  55. 2004-03-10 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Hardware Review: The Linare Home and Business PC
  56. 2004-03-10 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Local Press on GNU/Linux
  57. 2004-03-10 Adam Kosmin <> Subject: [hangout] k&r
  58. 2004-03-10 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Open source still faces open legal questions - BS
  59. 2004-03-10 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Open source still faces open legal questions - BS Article of the Day
  60. 2004-03-09 From: "Inker, Evan" <> RE: [hangout] Opinion: Software Freedom Day 2004
  61. 2004-03-09 From: "Inker, Evan" <> RE: [hangout] Opinion: Software Freedom Day 2004
  62. 2004-03-09 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Opinion: Software Freedom Day 2004
  63. 2004-03-09 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Opinion: Software Freedom Day 2004
  64. 2004-03-09 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Study: Open-source databases going mainstream
  65. 2004-03-09 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Study: Open-source databases going mainstream
  66. 2004-03-09 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] The Berkeley Software Distribution operating systems have much to
  67. 2004-03-09 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] The Berkeley Software Distribution operating systems have much to
  68. 2004-03-09 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] XFree86 gets underwhelmed by Linux distro support / Suse 9.1 Due Out
  69. 2004-03-09 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] XFree86 gets underwhelmed by Linux distro support / Suse 9.1 Due Out
  70. 2004-03-09 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] MEETING ON Wednsday Evening
  71. 2004-03-05 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Meeting
  72. 2004-03-05 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Meeting
  73. 2004-03-05 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Meeting
  74. 2004-03-05 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Meeting
  75. 2004-03-12 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] More LAke Placid Photos
  76. 2004-03-13 Steve Milo <> Re: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  77. 2004-03-13 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] Minutes for March 11, 2004
  78. 2004-03-13 Josh Rabinowitz <> Subject: [hangout] Using Perl with SWISH-E: Talk 3/16
  79. 2004-03-13 From: "ruben" <> Subject: [hangout] Tech Night - Tonight
  80. 2004-03-13 From: "ruben" <> Re: [hangout] tech night
  81. 2004-03-16 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] New Wireless connection
  82. 2004-03-16 From: "Ruben I Safir - Secretary NYLXS" <> Re: [hangout] low balling
  83. 2004-03-16 Adam Kosmin <> Subject: [hangout] low balling
  84. 2004-03-16 From: "Steve Milo" <> Subject: [hangout] PowerBook CDROM is very flakey
  85. 2004-03-16 From: "Steve Milo" <> RE: [hangout] FSF Event Philadelphia PA March 26, 2004
  86. 2004-03-16 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] (fwd) More Supporters of Digital Rights needed!
  87. 2004-03-16 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] (fwd) More Supporters of Digital Rights needed!
  88. 2004-03-16 From: "Inker, Evan" <> RE: [hangout] FSF Event Philadelphia PA March 26, 2004
  89. 2004-03-16 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] FSF Event Philadelphia PA March 26, 2004
  90. 2004-03-16 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Employment Opportunities - NYC Government
  91. 2004-03-16 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Federal CIOs tout benefits of 'open source' software
  92. 2004-03-16 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: BricsCAD goes Linux []
  93. 2004-03-16 From: "Inker, Evan" <> RE: [hangout] My Linux Desktop Odyssey, 2004
  94. 2004-03-16 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] My Linux Desktop Odyssey, 2004
  95. 2004-03-16 From: "Inker, Evan" <> RE: [hangout] My Linux Desktop Odyssey, 2004
  96. 2004-03-15 From: "Ruben I Safir - Secretary NYLXS" <> Re: [hangout] My Linux Desktop Odyssey, 2004
  97. 2004-03-15 From: "Ruben I Safir - Secretary NYLXS" <> Re: [hangout] My Linux Desktop Odyssey, 2004
  98. 2004-03-15 From: "Ruben I Safir - Secretary NYLXS" <> Re: [hangout] (fwd) More Supporters of Digital Rights needed!
  99. 2004-03-16 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [DMCA_Discuss] Court Opens Way to Claim the Public Domain
  100. 2004-03-08 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [DMCA_Discuss] Fwd: [Patents] Halloween X
  101. 2004-03-17 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] HP Starts Pushing Desktop Linux
  102. 2004-03-17 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Deadline Demo CD
  103. 2004-03-17 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] New York City Contracts
  104. 2004-03-17 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] Opinion: Software Freedom Day 2004
  105. 2004-03-17 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Opinion: Software Freedom Day 2004
  106. 2004-03-17 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] HP Starts Pushing Desktop Linux
  107. 2004-03-17 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Deadline Demo CD
  108. 2004-03-17 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Luck of the Irish
  109. 2004-03-17 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] New York City Contracts
  110. 2004-03-17 Joe Villari <> Re: [hangout] PowerBook CDROM is very flakey
  111. 2004-03-31 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Elections
  112. 2004-03-31 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Wal-Mart sells PCs with Sun's Linux
  113. 2004-03-31 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Elections
  114. 2004-03-31 Re: [hangout] Elections
  115. 2004-03-31 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Elections
  116. 2004-03-31 Subject: [hangout] Elections
  117. 2004-03-31 Subject: [hangout] Elections
  118. 2004-03-30 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] Off to Albany
  119. 2004-03-29 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Microsoft and DRM
  120. 2004-03-29 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Business Week Article on Free Softwatre
  121. 2004-03-29 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Off to Albany
  122. 2004-03-29 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Off to Albany
  123. 2004-03-29 Joe Villari <> Subject: [hangout] (no subject)
  124. 2004-03-29 From: "Inker, Evan" <> RE: [hangout] A note to the Group
  125. 2004-03-29 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] 48 Hours on Vacation and the WHOLE WORLD CHANGES - We now have 2 moons like Tattoon in Starwars
  126. 2004-03-28 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Realtech card query (previous Subject in error, was
  127. 2004-03-28 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Realtech card query (previous Subject in error, was
  128. 2004-03-28 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] A note to the Group
  129. 2004-03-28 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] A note to the Group
  130. 2004-03-28 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] A note to the Group
  131. 2004-03-28 From: "Ruben I Safir - Secretary NYLXS" <> Re: [hangout] Realtech card query (previous Subject in error, was "Re:made a quantum leap")
  132. 2004-03-28 From: "Ruben I Safir - Secretary NYLXS" <> Re: [hangout] A note to the Group
  133. 2004-03-27 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] sound is very low
  134. 2004-03-27 Contrarian <> Subject: [hangout] sound is very low
  135. 2004-03-27 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Realtech card query (previous Subject in error, was
  136. 2004-03-27 Contrarian <> Subject: [hangout] Realtech card query (previous Subject in error, was "Re:made a
  137. 2004-03-27 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] Made a quantum leap
  138. 2004-03-27 Joe Villari <> Subject: [hangout] A note to the Group
  139. 2004-03-26 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ [Perl Jobs] Perl/Java Deployment Developer (onsite), United States, NY, New York]
  140. 2004-03-26 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Perl/MySQL web developer (telecommute), United States, va, newport news
  141. 2004-03-25 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] "Enterprise Assessment Kit Available Now to Speed D esktop Linux E valuations
  142. 2004-03-25 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Novell to Combine Best of KDE and Gnome
  143. 2004-03-25 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Yankee Independently Pits Windows TCO vs. Linux TCO
  144. 2004-03-25 Ron Guerin <> RE: [hangout] "Enterprise Assessment Kit Available Now to Speed D
  145. 2004-03-25 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Yankee Independently Pits Windows TCO vs. Linux TCO
  146. 2004-03-25 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] HP Move Could Change Microsoft Strategy
  147. 2004-03-25 From: "Inker, Evan" <> RE: [hangout] "Enterprise Assessment Kit Available Now to Speed D
  148. 2004-03-25 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] "Enterprise Assessment Kit Available Now to Speed D
  149. 2004-03-25 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] "Enterprise Assessment Kit Available Now to Speed Desktop Linux E
  150. 2004-03-24 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Spam Assasin is a PIA
  151. 2004-03-24 From: "Ruben I Safir - Secretary NYLXS" <> Re: [hangout] Spam Assasin is a PIA
  152. 2004-03-24 Billy <> Re: [hangout] Spam Assasin is a PIA
  153. 2004-03-24 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Spam Assasin is a PIA
  154. 2004-03-24 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Spam Assasin is a PIA
  155. 2004-03-24 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] Spam Assasin is a PIA
  156. 2004-03-24 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Novell to Combine Best of KDE and Gnome
  157. 2004-03-24 From: "Ruben I Safir - Secretary NYLXS" <> Subject: [hangout] New Downtown Space
  158. 2004-03-24 From: "Ruben I Safir - Secretary NYLXS" <> Subject: [hangout] Paging David Sugar
  159. 2004-03-24 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Dispelling the myths of Gentoo Linux, an honest review
  160. 2004-03-24 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Novell to Combine Best of KDE and Gnome
  161. 2004-03-24 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Wal-Mart and Sun share Linux desktop lust
  162. 2004-03-24 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Novell to Combine Best of KDE and Gnome
  163. 2004-03-24 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Dispelling the myths of Gentoo Linux, an honest review
  164. 2004-03-23 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] RE: [nylxs-announce] GNU/Linux Scene Calender for Today
  165. 2004-03-23 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] Open Source and Free Software Conference To Be Held at University of
  166. 2004-03-23 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] What Is New in SUSE LINUX 9.1 ?
  167. 2004-03-23 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] What Is New in SUSE LINUX 9.1 ?
  168. 2004-03-23 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] RE: [nylxs-announce] GNU/Linux Scene Calender for T
  169. 2004-03-23 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] RE: [nylxs-announce] GNU/Linux Scene Calender for Today
  170. 2004-03-22 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [Perl Jobs] Mid-Level Perl Programmer (onsite), United States, NY, New York
  171. 2004-03-22 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Perl Jobs keep coming
  172. 2004-03-22 From: "Inker, Evan" <> RE: [hangout] Hello World
  173. 2004-03-22 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Hello World
  174. 2004-03-22 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] An Advanced File System for Linux: JFS
  175. 2004-03-22 From: "Inker, Evan" <> Subject: [hangout] An Advanced File System for Linux: JFS
  176. 2004-03-22 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] GNU/Linux Scene Calender for Today
  177. 2004-03-21 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Subject: [hangout] About the Great NYFU and NY Fairuse Flap in 20 years.
  178. 2004-03-20 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] Elections
  179. 2004-03-19 Re: [hangout] Elections
  180. 2004-03-19 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Elections
  181. 2004-03-19 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Elections
  182. 2004-03-19 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] hangout management
  183. 2004-03-19 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Does anyone see the CEO of Brooklyn's fingerprints on this?
  184. 2004-03-19 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] FSI Meeting Canceled until Saturday Night
  185. 2004-03-19 From: "Steve Milo" <> Re: [hangout] You have to change this.
  186. 2004-03-19 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Elections
  187. 2004-03-19 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Elections
  188. 2004-03-19 From: "Inker, Evan" <> RE: [hangout] Elections
  189. 2004-03-19 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Elections
  190. 2004-03-19 Re: [hangout] Elections
  191. 2004-03-19 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Elections
  192. 2004-03-19 Subject: [hangout] Elections
  193. 2004-03-19 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Unsubscribe
  194. 2004-03-19 Ron Guerin <> RE: [hangout] Does anyone see the CEO of Brooklyn's fingerprints
  195. 2004-03-19 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] RE: [DMCA_Discuss] New bill to veto Supreme Court decisions
  196. 2004-03-19 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Does anyone see the CEO of Brooklyn's fingerprints
  197. 2004-03-19 Ron Guerin <> Subject: [hangout] Does anyone see the CEO of Brooklyn's fingerprints on this?
  198. 2004-03-19 From: "Steve Milo" <> Re: [hangout] You have to change this.
  199. 2004-03-18 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] You have to change this.
  200. 2004-03-18 From: "Steve Milo" <> Subject: [hangout] You have to change this.
  201. 2004-03-18 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] low balling
  202. 2004-03-18 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ [Perl Jobs] Perl/Mason Web software developer (onsite), United States, NY, Park Slope, Brooklyn]
  203. 2004-03-18 From: "Steve Milo" <> Subject: [hangout] Made a quantum leap
  204. 2004-03-18 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Want to read something scary?
  205. 2004-03-18 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] HP Starts Pushing Desktop Linux
  206. 2004-03-18 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Re: [nycwireless] Wireless Card Recommendation of S
  207. 2004-03-18 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Re: [nycwireless] Wireless Card Recommendation of S
  208. 2004-03-18 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Re: [nycwireless] Wireless Card Recommendation of S USE
  209. 2004-03-18 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [nycwireless] Wireless Card Recommendation of SUSE
  210. 2004-03-18 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Deadline Demo CD
  211. 2004-03-18 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Deadline Demo CD
  212. 2004-03-18 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Novell News
  213. 2004-03-18 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Deadline Demo CD
  214. 2004-03-18 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Fwd: BricsCAD goes Linux []
  215. 2004-03-18 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] HP Starts Pushing Desktop Linux
  216. 2004-03-18 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Deadline Demo CD
  217. 2004-03-18 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] Fwd: BricsCAD goes Linux []
  218. 2004-03-18 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Re: [hangout] Deadline Demo CD
  219. 2004-03-18 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Deadline Demo CD
  220. 2004-03-18 Michael Richardson <> RE: [hangout] Deadline Demo CD
  221. 2004-03-18 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] [ Re: Embperl programmer needed]
  222. 2004-03-18 From: "Ruben I Safir - Secretary NYLXS" <> Re: [hangout] RedHat Enterprise.
  223. 2004-03-18 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] RedHat Enterprise.
  224. 2004-03-18 Adam Kosmin <> Re: [hangout] RedHat Enterprise.
  225. 2004-03-01 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Overview of this afternoon's Orgcom meeting
  226. 2004-03-02 Mike Richardson - NYLXS PRESIDENT <> Re: [hangout] Overview of this afternoon's Orgcom meeting
  227. 2004-03-15 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: [Orgcom] NEXT MEETING (3-28-04) []
  228. 2004-03-15 From: "M. Halegua" <> Re: [hangout] Fwd: [Orgcom] NEXT MEETING (3-28-04) []
  229. 2004-03-15 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Fwd: [Orgcom] NEXT MEETING (3-28-04) []
  230. 2004-03-16 From: "Ruben I Safir - Secretary NYLXS" <> Subject: [hangout] Orgcom Report to NYLXS
  231. 2004-03-16 Ruben I Safir <> Fwd: Re: [hangout] Orgcom Report to NYLXS []
  232. 2004-03-26 Ruben Safir Secretary NYLXS <> Subject: [hangout] We NEED one more person to go to ORGCOM this Sunday
  233. 2004-03-27 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] We NEED one more person to go to ORGCOM this Sunday
  234. 2004-03-27 Contrarian <> Re: [hangout] We NEED one more person to go to ORGCOM this Sunday

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