DATE | 2003-02-27 |
FROM | Dave Williams
SUBJECT | Subject: [hangout] Eben Moglen Essay
A good short essay in Linux User:
I personally enjoyed this paragraph:
"As I have said in this space recently, one of the hottest fields of competition at the moment is also the largest aggregate software market on earth: the world's governments. More than sixty-five countries and dozens or hundreds of political subdivisions are actively considering legislation or regulations favoring the use of free software for government computing. National governments have begun actively considering use of free software for all the reasons (price, flexibility, power of modification - in other words, freedom) that other corporate and individual users also identify. But they have at least one additional reason for adopting free software: they suspect that Microsoft has done favors for the US intelligence community, embedding 'back doors' in Windows that permit US listeners to monitor encrypted communications generated using the Windows Cryptographic Applications Program Interface (CAPI). Last month, in an unprecedented move, Microsoft announced that it will release Windows source code for review by foreign governments, to help them evaluate whether Windows is a good public purchase. In addition, Microsoft will allow foreign governments to connect their own CAPI to Windows, supposedly in order to eliminate any risk that US intelligence services have embedded spy code in the company's products."
Obviously Microsoft isn't into "Shared Source" just to be nice. It may be the only way to get foreign governments to trust them!
Once again, their presence at an Open Source even benefits no one but Microsoft.
- Dave
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