DATE | 2002-11-04 |
FROM | vin
SUBJECT | Subject: [hangout] Publicity for installfest
Get it on Newsforge. Items such as the installfest generally get posted on NewsVac, the right side of Newsforge's page. But if it gets posted there, it won't stay on the front page more than a half day or so, and less if there is a lot of news items.
The best thing to do is to submit it tomorrow morning, sometime after 4 am for best positioning. If they are paying attention (and awake), you'll get people checking the sites for news prior to going to work, on their morning coffee breaks, and if it stays up long enough, it may stay up past lunch into the afternoon or evening.
The ideal spot for the installfest is on their reports section, or left side. If we can get it posted their, it will stay there for a few days which will be great. Anyone making the submission, when you make the submission, you select from a drop down menu which place to post it to, NewsVac or Reports. CHOOSE REPORTS. Try and write it up so it is two to three paragraph minimum in length, but with the most important in the first few sentences of the first paragraph. That's what gets posted visibly, then everything else is only seen if you click on the headline. Add links to the web site for the announcement, and for further info. You can plug the demo and other stuff in the subsequent paragraphs for more background on NYLXS, and this may help in Newsforge running it as a report instead of as NewsVac. The only downside I see to this is if other sites scroll the headlines of Newsforge, do they only use Newsforge's NewsVac, or do they use both? This is something we'll have to learn as we go.
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