DATE | 2002-10-18 |
FROM | Ruben I Safir
SUBJECT | Re: [hangout] My Conversation with Brett
We've worked several months to raise money to buy a space for NYLXS for it's classes and it's a process we are still working towards. And God willing, it's where it will end up.
It wouldn't make a difference where the servers would be located, Brett would still be black hole routed on my decision, under my authority.
There is no seperating out Presidential authority from this matter. It's nt a problem that I say, thee types of decisions or items should be done by the organization, because of two things.
First, that's my job. And second, these decisions aren't being made up on the fly. They are being done as part of our WRITTEN rule book.
Maybe I should post the consitution again? It was never designed that all decisions, or even the majority of them would go for committee decision making.
I chose to run classes and appionted a chair to FSI from one of the members of the Board, as it is according to the rules. I can't expell someone from the organization without a vote of the board.
No can i bar someone. In no way has the server been hijacked, and it's in the hands of the organization.
In fact, every member has staff permissions on the box....not that anyone has used the resurces granted to it.
And as soon as we have a permanent space, the server will be moved to that space, along with the table which are here, the chairs, the mixer, the video camera, the library, the 21 inch monitor the white boards and everything else.
Now the internet connection we use cost $300 a month, which is an expense I've picked up, and in fact, the organization can not afford this level of service presently without this donation. Once we have incorperation, we will hopefully be able to get $3000 per student from NYS for teaching, and grease our wheels a great deal. In addition, we are working on a video library to sell, and there will be a 10% fee of business brought in by the FSCC as we roll that out.
Also, just for the record, we have several board members with 24 access to the server because they have keys. If the server was anywhere else, nothing would change in regard to executive decisions which have been made.
Lastly, I didn't act to hijack the classes, to steal our domain, and to undermine the efforts of the organization. And none of this in the least way justifies his behavior, or actions.
Where the server is now, it runs for no charge to the organization, it is PROPERLY maintained and secured, and it has 24 access by the membership.
Let's dispell another issue, the CUNY Demo, Class Design, FAIR USE activity, the educational initiative, inservices, and website design have all be a collaberative effort, continually.
And finally, I would recommend you to run for President in the coming election if you really feel that I'm the issue and not Brett. I'm getting a little tired of being the target for someone elses misdeed.
"This and That", in this case, was my case presented to the Board of disiplinary action against Brett Wynkoop which is beyound my authority as President without the Board's approval. The board was asked to bar Brett from futue membership and to sue for our domain back. That is the only issue before the board. The board chose to not go that route and to instead try to negotiate for the .org domain. It still residing, this minute, on Mr Wynkoops server, under Mr Wynkoop's sole discression. He was neither elected by the membership, or appointed by me or the board for this.
If the only thing you can get with negoations with Brett is that he MIGHT give us the domain if he is paid, despite not doing his job and harming the FSI, that his block be removed so that he can go back to mirroring the sight with a domain he is not authoirized to maintain for us, and if the server is handled according to his dicates, then to me, it seems we've reached a dead end in negotiations because none of those items are of less importance to the intregity of the organization than having the domain under our control. All of those items are non-negotiable items for the organization because they are core to our intgretity as an organization.
As we spoke on the phone, he has to come up with something else to negotiate, something which is not a threat to the Organizations integrety.
I suggested, that if he wants to get paid a reasonable fee for the network assitence he gave us, then the board might consider that, and I wouldn't be opposed to that, and only if the fee for the class is paid by one student who is outstanding in payment, and if the fee is not greater than $500 and only after he returns the domain. But my vote, even on this matter is, that we do this only if we also ban him from the organization, or he agrees in all future matters to adhere to the Charter, like I am, and like you are.
In fact, this method of solving this is a mistake. We should just hold a hearing and invite him to present his case. And then move on. We have other things we need to do.
The physical location of the server is not revalvent to the case, and we can continue discussing this at a regular open board meeting.
On 2002.10.18 15:36 wrote:
> > Here is where I see MAJOR problems. Ruben you keep saying "I want to" do this > and that; these type of decsions should be done by the organization. Further > more NYLXS needs to have a more nuetral space for keeping its servers so the > ORGANIZATION can run them as opposed to Ruben doing what he thinks is right > (which may be right, sometimes). > > This I think will keep us from running into some of the problems we are > experiencing.
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