DATE | 2002-05-08 |
FROM | marco
SUBJECT | Subject: [hangout] Re: edited commentary
This is some stuff I removed either b/c I didn't understand the point which was trying to be made or I found it misleading.
>>If you listen to the DMCA fair use exemption hearings at the Library of Congress link?
>>and making claims that only their OS is authorized on certain machines
>>Microsoft is moving rapidly to a model of "OS assurance" and "Automatic upgrades" in the name of security and content management protection.
What are these terms? How are they related.
Tony pointed out, quite correctly, that the Holling's bill is ultimately a starting point of for re-education of the public and a ????negotiating point??? for the assault on the 4th and 1st amendments.
Finally, on the issue of developing friends and allies. Specifically, they have to be cultivated. Boucher is not powerful by himself, but if we get Weiner to become vocal on this issue as well, we WILL turn the tide, especially since Weiner was Chuck Schumer's chief of staff. Right now, we need to find him, wherever he speaks, and ask him about this issue, over and over again.
____________________________ New Yorker Linux Users Scene Fair Use - because it's either fair use or useless....