DATE | 2002-04-12 |
FROM | marco
SUBJECT | Subject: [hangout] Final 1st multimedia InService/ Av project meeting
Thursday it is. here's the final draft.
I would like announce the first NYLXS multimedia InService on Linux Audio Tools on Thursday April 18th from 7:30-9:30+ at the Killarny Rose at 82 Beaver Street in Downtown Manhattan, 2 blocks from Wall and Williams street,
Take the N,R to Whitehall or Rector J,M to Broad 2,3 to Wall Street 4,5 to Wall Street
We meet upstairs. The meeting is free and open to the public but please expect to purchase a drink or something from the restaurant downstairs, as the Rose has been kind enough to host our many meetings.
I would like to consentrate this InService on audio, in honor of nylxs' first meeting to discuss the development of a streaming radio show, which will be held on the same night from 6:30-7:30 (see below)
The inservice will cover: --alsa and the low-latency kernel patches --some hardware considerations --ecasound and snd (sound recorder editors) --the LADSPA (plugins for Linus Audio) --(perhaps dap and wavesurfer or ceres) --sox (the swissarmy knife for audio file conversion)
for midi, --timidity and muse --and my all time favorite pd (with gem)
I will mention ardour and jack (which are still in development but super interesting).
I will not talk about any notation programs as I don't know too much about them. My specialty is audio file preparation and manipulation.
With this many programs this InService will be a sort of overview, because I feel there is much confusion, on what people expect to be able to do, and about digital audio and midi in general.
Further InServices are being prepared on video, and 3d possibilities using Linux. There will be a preliminary sign up for a work shop on Blender.
For members of NYLXS or people who might be interested in the Radio Show we are holding a first meeting before the InService from 6:30-7:30 where we will discuss this project. Here is the mail from Ray Connolly the point man on this project: -------------------- Hi All, Just wanted to let everyone know that we will also be addressing the NYLXS Radio Show at Thursday's meeting/inservice at the Killarny Rose. With nothing back from WBAI we have decided to go ahead on our own with a streaming format. Basically, we'd like to discuss: who would like to take part in this particular project, it's needs, desired goals, and a roadmap and timetable for meeting those goals.
Everyone is encouraged to participate whether it be hands on or just an added insight or opinion. Hoping to see you all there, ~Ray
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