DATE | 2002-02-06 |
FROM | Ruben Safir
SUBJECT | Subject: [hangout] We're going to Washington. Meeting announcement
One of the discussions I had the the Expo was with Don Marti, who has an angle on the DMCA which at first I thought was probibly not a great idea, but after further explanation, it seems like we might brign this up when we talk to congress next week, or try to leverage in some regard in the near future. The basic idea is to sick the Conservative Religuos organizations after Hollywood, using COPYRIGHT and the DMCA as a tool to attempt to affect a cleansing of some of the porn out of the movie industry.
I guess the hope would be that the MPAA would then raise OUR issues about information control through copyright, and allow us to reframe our traditional arguments in the words of Hollywood.
Of course, you might never know what you get when you stir up a hive of wasps.
Ruben _______________________
On 2002.02.06 11:27:24 -0500 Don Marti wrote: Ruben,
> Can you again explain what you wanted done in terms of contacting the > Religious sector of our society in terms of the DMCA?
Congress Can Take the Profit Out of Selling Sex and Violence to Kids (The Op-Ed Piece the San Jose Mercury News Wouldn't Print)
By Donald B. Marti Jr.
In an report issued on April 24, 2001, the Federal Trade Commission found that the entertainment industry is actively marketing R-rated movies, along with violent music and video games, to children. But FTC Chairman Robert Pitofsky said, "Because government intrusion in decisions about content raises important First Amendment concerns, self regulation continues to be the preferred solution to problems in this area."
Self-regulation? From the industry that brought us "American Psycho," "Cop Killer," and "Mortal Kombat"? I'll believe that when I see it. But conventional wisdom says it's impossible to regulate explicit sex and violence in the media, because regulation wouldn't hold up on First Amendment grounds.
Does that mean it's "self-regulation" or nothing? Of course not. Congress has a legal, effective tool it can use to cut back big-budget sexual exploitation and violence in the media. It's called copyright law. All Congress has to do is reduce the copyright term on sexual or violent movies, music, and video games to one or two years.
Reducing the term of copyright on porn is not a "taking".
Some so-called conservatives call copyright an "intellectual property" right and insist that reducing the length of a copyright would be an unjustified "taking" from the copyright holder. This point of view has no basis in Constitutional law, and in fact simply puts corporate interests ahead of the purposes for which the Founders wrote copyright into the Constitution in the first place. Copyright is granted for a limited time only, unlike a property right, and exists "to promote the progress of science and useful arts." (Article 1, Section 8) The term "intellectual property" does not appear in the Constitution, and nowhere does the Constitution identify a copyright as a property right.
Porn and media violence do not promote the progress of anything. They do precisely the opposite. According to the Constitution, Congress has the ability, and the duty, to stop promoting them. The Constitution doesn't specify how long a copyright must last, and the First Amendment only protects an individual's right to free speech, not a copyright holder's exclusive right to distribute it. With a shorter copyright term on harmful materials, the financial incentive for the media corporations to invest in explicit sex and violence will be low enough to make it easier for them to do the right thing.
Take the profit out of porn
But wouldn't reducing the copyright term for harmful materials just result in more low-priced copies being available at stores, or copies being freely downloadable on the Internet? Not if copyright term reduction only applies to new music, movies, and video games, to give the media corporations time to redirect their investments.
How would copyright term reduction for harmful works change America's entertainment market? Certainly some sexual and violent movies made cheaply or abroad would play in urban areas and college towns. And people would continue to make amateur and low-budget pornography. Copyright term reduction is only one tool among many.
But without the prospect of years of video and television sales, entertainment executives would be reluctant to put Hollywood's biggest budgets into sex and violence. And, perhaps most importantly, the entertainment industry's promotion machine would take up the task of promoting wholesome media, for which the copyright holders would keep exclusive rights for a longer period.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Motion Picture Association president Jack Valenti said, in response to the FTC report, "It's not easy being a First Amendment advocate." Cutting back copyrights on sexual and violent media will take the money out of messing with kids' heads, and make his job a little easier.
Reference: FTC Releases Follow-Up Report on The Marketing of Violent Entertainment to Children
-- Don Marti Join the Distributed Unisys Google Experiment. Unisys KG6INA everywhere. -- __________________________
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