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DATE 2002-02-01


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DATE 2002-02-15
FROM Seth Johnson
SUBJECT Subject: [hangout] Why Should Governments use MS Products?

(Forwarded from POLITECH list)

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 11:02:04 -0400
From: Declan McCullagh


Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 10:49:30 -0400
From: "\"Robin \\\"Roblimo\\\" Miller\""
Subject: Re: FC: Microsoft allies reply to

Re: Citizens Against Government Waste and Citizens for a
Sound Economy's reactions to their pro-Microsoft
letter-writing campaigns...

Dear Declan:

Assuming Citizens Against Government Waste [CAGW] and
Citizens for a Sound Economy [CSE] are not corporate shills,
but honest grassroots groups true to their names, I'm sure
they're at least as interested in lobbying for more
efficient use of their members' tax dollars in government
computer hardware and software purchasing as in the
comparatively minor amounts state attorneys general and the
US DoJ have spent persecuting Microsoft.

Our federal, state and local governments collectively waste
hundreds of billions of dollars worth of taxpayers' money
every year on overpriced, insecure, and hardware-inefficient
proprietary software and computer operating systems while
free or low-cost open source alternatives are readily

It is possible that CAGW and CSE aren't aware of these
alternatives or how they can be put to practical use in
government offices. I'm sure that once they and their
organizations' members are aware of just how much tax money
can be saved by choosing the most cost-effective software
available instead of blindly buying from the companies with
the biggest marketing budgets, they will start deluging
elected and appointed government officials with mail and
phone calls begging them to change the way they buy computer
hardware and software.

I hereby give Mr. Schatz and Mr. Beckner permission to
reprint the following article, unaltered, on their
organizations' Web sites or in any newsletters or magazines
their groups publish. The City of Largo, Florida (motto:
"City of Progess"), the subject of this story, is probably
spending less money per employee on computer systems than
almost any other government in North America. Others should
follow their lead, and I look forward to working with CAGW
and CSE to help make this happen.

Article URL:

- Robin "Roblimo" Miller
Editor in Chief, OSDN


Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2001 22:37:33 -0700
From: "A.Lizard"
Subject: Re: FC: Microsoft allies reply to

Would there be any "grassroots activism" if MS and allied
companies weren't pumping money into the process?

If I were a MS stockholder, I'd be more than a little
concerned that the company's PR dollars are going to
"independent organizations" that either can't tell the
difference between grassroots and astroturf or think that
the average politech reader can't.



From: "RV Head" <>
Subject: Re: Microsoft allies reply to
dead-people-writing-letters story
Date: Sun, 26 Aug 2001 00:16:33 -0400

Yeah, there's a groundswell of public suport for Mickey$oft,
just like there was massive support for Mayor-for-life Daley
in Chicago, and just like there's no monopoly in the OS
market, and just like that monopoly has not been leveraged
to create another monopoly in the browser market.

Microsoft is a serial criminal, and it's obvious that
they've no intention of changing their Evil Ways; indeed
perhaps even a Structural Remedy which requires Bill to take
the OS and Paul to take Apps or vice versa will not stop
them from their illegal activity.

It is no longer a question of /whether/ they broke the law -
Judge Jackson heard MONTHS of testimony and he found the
evidence to be OVERWHELMING that MS has abused its OS
monopoly to extend into other areas.

Oh, well.


So they activate >1 mil members and supporters, and 400
letters ensue? Seems the public has whispered its protest!

PS - if the two organizations are not connected, I assume
the texts of letters originating from them were very
different... correct?

You may quote any part of the above if you insist - but
please do not attribute.

A fellow journalist


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  1. 2002-02-27 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] SNA Borough Hall Proposal
  2. 2002-02-27 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Entity-Relationship Modeling Software
  3. 2002-02-27 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Entity-Relationship Modeling Software
  4. 2002-02-27 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Entity-Relationship Modeling Software
  5. 2002-02-27 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Borough Hall Proposal
  6. 2002-02-27 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Borough Hall Proposal
  7. 2002-02-27 From: "News" <> Subject: [hangout] Entity-Relationship Modeling Software
  8. 2002-02-27 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Borough Hall Proposal
  9. 2002-02-27 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Borough Hall Proposal
  10. 2002-02-27 From: "News" <> RE: [hangout] teach a 9 year old to program...
  11. 2002-02-27 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Re: teach a 9 year old to program... []
  12. 2002-02-27 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] NYACC
  13. 2002-02-27 David Katz <> Re: [hangout] NYACC
  14. 2002-02-27 Re: [hangout] SNA Borough Hall Proposal
  15. 2002-02-27 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Hearing on this issue?
  16. 2002-02-26 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Re: NYACC (fwd)
  17. 2002-02-26 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] When does Linux 1 end?
  18. 2002-02-26 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] When does Linux 1 end?
  19. 2002-02-26 From: <> Re: [hangout] Fw: [nylug-talk] School Project help
  20. 2002-02-26 From: <> Re: [hangout] Fw: [nylug-talk] School Project help
  21. 2002-02-26 Jonathan Bober <> FAQ (was Re: [hangout] CAN SOMEONE REPLY Fwd: Linux Classes/NYLXS membership [])
  22. 2002-02-25 Paul =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Rodr=EDguez?= <> Re: [hangout] upcoming classes
  23. 2002-02-25 Jonathan Bober <> Subject: [hangout] Fw: [nylug-talk] School Project help
  24. 2002-02-25 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] NY Times Electronic aVersion
  25. 2002-02-25 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: [suse-security-announce] SuSE Security Announcement: cups (SuSE-SA:2002:005) []
  26. 2002-02-25 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Foreign Countries Switching
  27. 2002-02-25 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Foreign Countries Switching
  28. 2002-02-24 From: "News" <> Subject: [hangout] Foreign Countries Switching
  29. 2002-02-24 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Training Provider Information
  30. 2002-02-23 Jonathan Bober <> Re: [hangout] upcoming classes
  31. 2002-02-22 Jonathan Bober <> Subject: [hangout] flyers
  32. 2002-02-22 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Real Estate
  33. 2002-02-22 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] NYACC, NYU Space
  34. 2002-02-21 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Brooklyn Borough Hall Groupware/Collaboration
  35. 2002-02-21 Jay Sulzberger <> Subject: [hangout] Friday 22 February 2002: J. T. S. Moore's Documentary about GNU/Linux
  36. 2002-02-21 From: <> Subject: [hangout] Training Provider Information
  37. 2002-02-21 From: <> Subject: [hangout] NY State funds for training
  38. 2002-02-17 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Washington DC
  39. 2002-02-17 Paul =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Rodr=EDguez?= <> Subject: [hangout] Washington DC
  40. 2002-02-15 From: <> Subject: [hangout] Washington D.C. trip
  41. 2002-02-15 From: <> Subject: [hangout] Washington D.C. trip
  42. 2002-02-15 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Infinity Conference Room []
  43. 2002-02-15 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Infinity Conference Room []
  44. 2002-02-15 Seth Johnson <> Subject: [hangout] Governments Push Open-Source Software
  45. 2002-02-15 Seth Johnson <> Subject: [hangout] Why Should Governments use MS Products?
  46. 2002-02-15 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Installfest at Joes
  47. 2002-02-15 Kevin Milani <> Subject: [hangout] Selling the Linux Concept
  48. 2002-02-15 Kevin Milani <> Subject: [hangout] Selling the Linux Concept
  49. 2002-02-15 Seth Johnson <> Subject: [hangout] Linux: Save Government Million$
  50. 2002-02-15 Seth Johnson <> Subject: [hangout] Linux: Save Government Million$
  51. 2002-02-15 Ruben I Safir <> Re: Fw: [hangout] Re: I want to help with Brooklyn Borough Hall "wiring"
  52. 2002-02-15 Kevin Milani <> Subject: [hangout] Brooklyn Borough Hall
  53. 2002-02-15 Kevin Milani <> Subject: [hangout] Brooklyn Borough Hall
  54. 2002-02-15 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Workers Career Center
  55. 2002-02-15 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Workers Career Center
  56. 2002-02-15 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Workers Career Center
  57. 2002-02-15 Jay Sulzberger <> Re: [hangout] Workers Career Center
  58. 2002-02-15 Kevin Milani <> Re: [hangout] Workers Career Center
  59. 2002-02-15 Kevin Milani <> Re: [hangout] Workers Career Center
  60. 2002-02-15 Ruben I Safir <> Re: [hangout] Workers Career Center
  61. 2002-02-15 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Unions and Free Software
  62. 2002-02-15 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Unions and Free Software
  63. 2002-02-15 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Non-Profit Computing
  64. 2002-02-15 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Non-Profit Computing
  65. 2002-02-15 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Workers Career Center
  66. 2002-02-15 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Workers Career Center
  67. 2002-02-15 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Distance Learning
  68. 2002-02-15 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Distance Learning
  69. 2002-02-15 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Workers Career Center
  70. 2002-02-15 Ron Guerin <> Subject: [hangout] Is this map correct? (Installfest)
  71. 2002-02-09 From: "Joseph A. Maffia" <> Re: [hangout] Fwd: new member []
  72. 2002-02-07 Ron Guerin <> Subject: [hangout] Open Source in Gov't
  73. 2002-02-07 David Katz <> Re: [hangout] [ [nylug-talk] Please
  74. 2002-02-07 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Perl 1 Class Location
  75. 2002-02-07 Ruben I Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Perl 1 Class Location
  76. 2002-02-07 Jon Bober <> Subject: [hangout] apt-get error
  77. 2002-02-07 Billy <> Re: [hangout] connecting a palm pilot to a desktop
  78. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] The excessive NY Linux Group
  79. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] The excessive NY Linux Group
  80. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Marcus Conti - Please check in
  81. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Marcus Conti - Please check in
  82. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Membership Committee
  83. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Membership Committee
  84. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] We're going to Washington. Meeting announcement
  85. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] We're going to Washington. Meeting announcement
  86. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] OK - It's official
  87. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] OK - It's official
  88. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] We're going to Washington. Meeting announcement
  89. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] We're going to Washington. Meeting announcement
  90. 2002-02-06 From: "Joseph A. Maffia" <> Subject: [hangout] Linux 1 Class paid student list
  91. 2002-02-06 From: "Joseph A. Maffia" <> Subject: [hangout] Linux 1 Class paid student list
  92. 2002-02-06 David Sugar <> Subject: [hangout] Re: [nylxs-announce] ANNOUNCEMENT - Washignton DC Trip
  93. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Fwd: Re: Reality Check for me, please []
  94. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Cell Phone
  95. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Cell Phone
  96. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] connecting a palm pilot to a desktop
  97. 2002-02-06 Ron Guerin <> Re: [hangout] Fwd: Re: Reality Check for me, please
  98. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Re: Reality Check for me, please []
  99. 2002-02-06 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Re: Reality Check for me, please []
  100. 2002-02-05 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Re: Learning Linux []
  101. 2002-02-05 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Re: Learning Linux []
  102. 2002-02-05 Joe Villari <> Subject: [hangout] mysql success
  103. 2002-02-05 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Machines for Linux 1 Class
  104. 2002-02-05 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] Machines for Linux 1 Class
  105. 2002-02-05 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] List of Users who need machines
  106. 2002-02-05 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] List of Users who need machines
  107. 2002-02-05 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] FAIRUSE MEETING TONITE
  108. 2002-02-04 Michael Richardson <> Subject: [hangout] LinuxWorld Expo
  109. 2002-02-04 Joe Villari <> Re: [hangout] mysql help
  110. 2002-02-03 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Attention Chairmen
  111. 2002-02-03 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Re: Moglin Discussion at LWE - Future of the GPL
  112. 2002-02-03 Ruben Safir <> Re: [hangout] Re: Moglin Discussion at LWE - Future of the GPL
  113. 2002-02-03 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] What is a open source alternative to MS. Access []
  114. 2002-02-03 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Moglin Discussion at LWE - Future of the GPL
  115. 2002-02-03 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Re: Moglin Discussion at LWE - Future of the GPL
  116. 2002-02-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Moglin Discussion at LWE - Future of the GPL
  117. 2002-02-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Moglin Discussion at LWE - Future of the GPL
  118. 2002-02-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Linux One Class
  119. 2002-02-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Linux One Class
  120. 2002-02-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Free Software in Government
  121. 2002-02-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Free Software in Government
  122. 2002-02-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Re: [wwwac] What is a open source alternative to MS. Access []
  123. 2002-02-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: Re: [wwwac] What is a open source alternative to MS. Access []
  124. 2002-02-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fallout of LWE - Things we need to follow up on
  125. 2002-02-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fallout of LWE - Things we need to follow up on
  126. 2002-02-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: [wwwac] Geek moment - Star Wars exhibit coming to Brooklyn []
  127. 2002-02-02 Ruben Safir <> Subject: [hangout] Fwd: [wwwac] Geek moment - Star Wars exhibit coming to Brooklyn []
  128. 2002-02-02 Peter Lehrer <> Re: [hangout] using GNOME with Window Maker
  129. 2002-02-01 Peter Lehrer <> Subject: [hangout] using GNOME with Window Maker
  130. 2002-02-01 From: <> RE: [hangout] Check this out
  131. 2002-02-01 Daniel Stringfield <> RE: [hangout] Check this out
  132. 2002-02-01 From: <> Subject: [hangout] Check this out

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