DATE | 2002-01-20 |
FROM | Paul =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Rodr=EDguez?=
SUBJECT | Subject: [hangout] FSI - brochure
I'm sorry for having taken so long with this, but my computer was down. (lame excuse, I know) I had it already prepared at our last meeting. (never leave for tomorrow...)
Here's a write-up for the brochure on the Free Software Institute. I hope no one minds, but I pretty much modified what was already on the website.
A few points, please look it over and feel free to send back comments on it. Specifically, I need corrections, if any, to the curriculum. Do you feel the section on inservices says enough and is accurate? Is there anything you feel should be added to the beginning? Some Pizazz?
Anyway, thanks, and sorry for the wait. Anybody know what the deadline on getting these things printed is?
Also, I need info on booth manning (people-ing?) :) What's the URL on the schedule finally? How many people have signed up for which time slots.
- Paul RodrÃguez
Free Software Institute
The Free Software Institute is an educational initiative of NYLXS. Our goal is to make affordable free software training available to the entire NYC community. We provide a complete cradle-to-grave Linux and Free Software education program. The program is designed to teach students how to use and develop free software in a Unix environment.
Courses are designed to feed off of each other, and those who complete the program will be included in our pool of NYLXS affiliated consultants which we will refer clients to.
These courses include:
Introduction to Linux: Linux 1
Installation, Introduction to the Shell, Introduction to VI, directory tree, files, permissions, setting up X, managing services, network setup, administering remote users, modules, and kernel compilation. -- Linux 1 Classes start Feb. 4th! Limited enrollment!
Introduction to Unix: Unix 1
Unix tools (find, locate, man, grep, AWK, sort, df, ls, gcc, make cp, ln, mv, permissions, tcp networking, route)
Introduction to Programming with Perl: Perl 1
Operators, Control Structures, Regular Expressions, Pattern Matching, Scope, Object Oriented Programming
Advanced Unix: Unix 2
Shell Scripting, C Programming, Desktop X.
Introduction to Apache: Linux 2
Install of modperl, install of Apache, Install of embperl and mason, basic Apache configuration with files and virtual servers.
Advanced Web Programming with Perl: Perl 2 embperl, modperl, the apache request cycle, cgi, html, forms, cookies and sessions.
The FSI also runs a series of informative lectures we call "inservices". These are designed as a forum for indviduals to come together and share areas of their own interest and expertise with their peers.
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