DATE | 2001-11-02 |
FROM | Ruben Safir
SUBJECT | Subject: [hangout] Lending Library (was used books)
Hello Joanne
Part of NYLXS's mission is to create a lending library for the NYC community. Now that we have developed funding, we are on our way in this regard, to get residence, space and a library. We also have some folks who want to donate books.
In addition to books, though, we are also having Jornal subscriptions, which is real important.
I would like a sugestion of a list of Journals that NYLXS should subscribe to.
Obviously TLJ and Sys Admin lead the way. Others?
As for lending policy. Memebers can borrow. Since their dues pays for the library they will pay for replacement :)
Even without loss, books that are lent out tend to ware out.
-- Brooklyn Linux Solutions
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