DATE | 2001-10-16 |
FROM | Ruth Shanen
SUBJECT | Subject: [hangout] Oct 23 - good meeting date
I can definitely make it on Tues evening at the Marriott.
I think that the Brooklyn Marriott is relatively easy to get to from Manhattan; at least as easy as getting to Wall Street. It would be nice to consider it as a spot for future meetings. There are currently plenty of meetings in midtown, and it would be good to have more activity in Brooklyn (or Queens or the Bronx). I've added NYLXS to the lugdetails.html page, to help the flow of attention to the website. Hope that's okay. As far as charter ideas, I suggest that we take a look at the WWWAC bylaws, and cut out the parts that aren't needed. It includes most of the basic topics that need to be addressed. NYXLS need to have an official policy about political action. (ie what's appropriate, does the membership have to approve,etc) Membership needs considerable discussion; will there be different levels of membership based on dues, volunteerism, other considerations; what rights will members have; etc.
- Ruth The WWWAC bylaws: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Casandra's Calendar - Linux and Gnu events NYC/tri-state area Lug details - includes groups without meetings Other User Groups in the tri-state area: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____________________________ New Yorker Linux Users Scene Fair Use - because it's either fair use or useless....